Ok so for extra credit in my software/hardware design class I have to locate duplicate entries in a defined string matrix. I am really close but having trouble. Case 3 is where I am trying to acomplish the goal. Any tips? My problem is that while it will print duplicates, it also prints out other cities that are not duplicates. Thanks.


int main(void) {

    int i;
    int k;
    int choice, entry, entry1;
    int max_array = 14;
    char temp[20];
    char city_names[15][20] = {
        "Los Angeles",
        "New York",
        "Las Vegas",
        "New Orleans",
        "San Francisco",
        "San Diego",

        printf("INput list of cities is: ");

        for(i=0; strcmp("X" , city_names[i]); i++) {
            printf("%s\n" , city_names[i]);


        while(1) {

            printf("\nPlease select form the menu below:\n");
            printf("1. Print details of strign array entry.\n");
            printf("2. Swap two entries in the string array.\n");
            printf("3. Find and remove duplicate entries.\n");
            printf("4. Exit\n");
            scanf("%d", &choice);

            switch (choice) {

            case 1:

                printf("You chose option %d" , choice);

                    printf("\nPlease enter entry of array:\n");
                    scanf("%d" , &entry);

                    if(entry > max_array)
                        printf("Entry is out of bounds\n");

                printf("Entry %d contains %s , which is %d characters long.\n" , entry, city_names[entry] , strlen(city_names[entry]));

            case 2:
                printf("You chose option %d" , choice);

                    printf("\nPlease enter number to switch: \n");
                    scanf("%d %d" , &entry , &entry1);

                    if(entry > max_array || entry1 > max_array)
                        printf("Entry out of bounds\n");
                    else {
                        break; }

                strcpy(temp, city_names[entry]);
                strcpy(city_names[entry], city_names[entry1]);
                strcpy(city_names[entry1], temp);

                printf("Result list of cities is: \n");

                for(i=0; strcmp("X" , city_names[i]); i++) {
                    printf("%s\n" , city_names[i]);


            case 3:

                for(k=0; k<= max_array; k++) {
                    for(i=0; i<= max_array; i++){

                        if(strcmp(city_names[k],city_names[i+1]) == 0) {
                            printf("%s" , city_names[k]);





            case 4:
                return 0;

                printf("Try again");



Every time you go throught the loop when k equals i-1 you have a match.
Start the i loop at k+1 and get rid of the +1 elsewhere in that section.

Also, the standard way to do loops is
if you defined the array as A[20], your loop is set up as:
for (i=0; i<20; i++)

It gets very confusing if you mix <= and => and +1s and all that stuff.

Worked, thanks! I will also change the min,max stuff.

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