Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone can help me out here...This is what I have so far:

class Employee
	int idNum;
	char name[20];
	double rate;
	Employee(const int id); //The Constructor with Arguments
	Employee();//The Default Constructor
	void displayValues();
Employee::Employee(const int id)
	idNum = id;
	cout<<"Enter the employee's last name";
	cout<<"What is the hourly rate for this employee?";
	idNum = 0;
	cout<<"Enter the last namd of this contractual worker";
	cout<<"What is the fee for this contract?";
void Employee::displayValues()
	cout<<"Employee "<<name<<" rate $"<<rate;
	if(idNum == 0)
		cout<<" for this contract"<<endl;
		cout<<" per hour"<<endl;

Now, I'm suppose to include an additional function GetValues that will get the values for an employee from the user.
Include an additional member function to overload the assignment operator (=)
Include an additional member function to overload the addition operator (+)
//This operator will return an item of type employee whose idnum is 0 and
// Whose salary is the sum of the two employee salaries being added.

Include A Friend overload function to be able to cout an employee.

If anyone can help me with this, that would be great. I'll be working on it in the meantime....

cosider this, but i think even after implimenting this re defition of class u will not able to solve all of ur problems, although it contains answer of both of ur questions.

class Employee
	int idNum;
	char name[20];
	double rate;
                Include an additional member function to overload the addition operator (+)
	Employee operator + (const Employee obj) {
		Employee temp ;
		temp.idNum = 0;
		temp.rate = this->rate + obj.rate ;
		return temp;
                //Include an additional member function to overload the assignment operator (=)
	Employee & operator = (const Employee &obj) {
		this->idNum = obj.idNum;
		this->rate =  obj.rate ;
		return *this;
	Employee(const int id); //The Constructor with Arguments
	Employee();//The Default Constructor
	void displayValues();
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I dunno I'm just learning this. But I might do something like so:-

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Employee
Employee(); //The Constructor
~Employee();//The Default destructor
//void displayValues();
void Set(int,string,double);
int Num();
string Name();
double Rate();
//overloaded operators
Employee operator=(Employee); //Overloaded = operator
Employee operator+(Employee); //overloaed + operator
//ostream &operator<<( ostream &output );
// cout an employee yet to be implemented!!
int idNum;
string name;
double rate;
/** Default constructor,initialises the
* three variables
idNum = 0;
name = "";
rate = 0;
/** Employee destructor
/** Overloaded operators+
Employee Employee::operator=(Employee e) {
idNum = e.Num();
name = e.Name();
rate = e.Rate();
return *this;
Employee Employee::operator+(Employee e)
Employee tmp;
double new_wage;
new_wage = rate + e.Rate();
return tmp;

void Employee::Set(int id, string person, double wage) {
idNum = id;
name = person;
rate = wage;
double Employee::Rate() {
return rate;
int Employee::Num() {
return idNum;
string Employee::Name() {
return name;

int main()
Employee a,b,c;

c = a + b;
cout<<"That total wage of "<<a.Name()<<" and "<<b.Name();
cout<<" is $";

return 0;

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Tis simple as Pie

Thank you both for your help. I will show you what i have as my final draft when its done.

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