There is an integer n. Find primes that is < than n (p < n) and they can be expressed in the form 2^k-1.


I'm done with connecting parts together - all works fine! But I need to replace


because my professor has forbidden



BTW what does m means?
Actually I don't really understand this part (that works (can somebody explain what does this part do?)):

Misunderstooded part

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int IsPrime(unsigned long m)

    for(unsigned long p=2;p<m/2;p++)
    return 0;
return 1;

n - integer
p - prime number (if cout << p it prints list of primes
m - [???]

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int IsPrime(unsigned long m)

    for(unsigned long p=2;p<m/2;p++)
    return 0;
return 1;

int main()
                    int oky;
        int n=0;
        cout << endl << "<<<<< Input integer n: >>>>> " << endl;
        cin >> n;

    for(unsigned long p=2;p<20;p++)
        if (((pow(2,p)-1)<n) && IsPrime(pow(2,p)-1))

                    cout << endl << endl << " continue (1) end (0)?" << endl;
                    cin >> oky;}
                    while (oky == 1);
return 0;

BTW program do not work as before If I replace pow with this

    for(unsigned long p=2;p<20;p++)
        if ((((2^p)-1)<n) && IsPrime((2^p)-1))

This part looks fine but how can I shorten this part?

I want to replace this

for(unsigned long p=2;p<20;p++)
        if (((pow(2,p)-1)<n) && IsPrime(pow(2,p)-1))

To this:

 // Generate integers of the form 2^k-1  
    for (int k=0; k<32; ++k)
        int n = 1;                  // find 2 ^ k
        for (int i=0; i<k; i++)
            n = n * 2;
        n = n - 1;                  // subtract one
        cout << n << endl;

int IsPrime(unsigned long m)

'm' is the parameter of the function isPrime, basically it's the number you want to check if it's prime.

find 2 ^ k
Seeing as you can't use the pow(...) function, you could just use bit shifts.

2 << (k - 1)

2 shift left (k -1 ) will give you 2 to the power of k, where k is an unsigned whole number.

You can right your own pow function like this

int power(int base, int exponent)
    int result = base;
    for (int i = 1; i < exponent; i++)
        result *= base;
    return result;
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