how do you manually convert a multi digit ascii string into the hex equilavent of a decimal integer with out using a C library function. For instance If I have a small program asking a user to type into the keyboard a decimal number and lets say they type in 64357, and if this number is base 10 or decimal, the characters that get sent out a standard uart port would be the ascii equilavent of 0x36, 0x34, 0x33, 0x35, 0x37, on the receiving side of this uart, i would then need a 5 byte (unsigned char) array how do I convert the received data into a hex representation, 0xFB65 of the decimal number 64357? meaning, If I take the hex value of the received data character, subtract the ascii offset and shift the character by 4 bits I can get the decimal value however it is in the wrong number base.
receive buffer[0]=0x36, buffer[1]=0x34, buffer[2]=0x33, buffer[3]=0x35, buffer[4]=0x37
example the 5 characters above 0x36, 0x34, 0x33, 0x35, 0x37 after subtracting 0x30
would become 0x06, 0x04, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07,
If I create a long unsigned int variable and I shift the bits 4 times to the right and add them together I get
7 + 50 + 300 + 4000 + 60000 = 64357, which is the intended decimal value,
HOWEVER because microprocessor registers only represent numbers in hex format:
the 64357 is actually the HEX representation of the decimal: meaning 64357hex = 410455dec
and I want 0xFB65hex which is the decimal equilavent of 64357
So How Do I Get 0xFB65 from the input string 64357???
the reason I do not want to use a C library and string functions and want to do manual conversion is that i have a preemptive operating system and do not want to delay the micro from computing other real time data while wating for a string or printf statement to complete, meaning a multi character uart operating in polled mode at 38400 baud will halt a processor for several miliseconds while doing string or printf statements.