I'm currently working on a project on VB.NET and I'm getting this error below.
Error 2 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' is most specific for these arguments:
'Public Sub New(name As String, dataSourceValue As System.Collections.IEnumerable)': Not most specific.
'Public Sub New(name As String, dataSourceValue As System.Data.DataTable)': Not most specific. C:\Users\user\Desktop\POS\GUI\MainWindow.vb 279 17 POS
below here is the code which actually the errors takes.
Dim RDS As New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("POSDS_TotalProfitForAllTime", TmpDS.TotalProfitForAllTime)
' tell the report control to use the DS, and
' use the report template created by us.
RV.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "POS.TotalProfitForAllTime.rdlc"
Helping to solve this issue is greatly appericiated (: