I'm getting some error when compiling this code, could any one help me understand how to make primatives members of the iterator?

template <class Type>
void perfectShuffle(linkedListType<Type>& list)


linkedListIterator<int> tmp1; // Use for the topHalf of the list
linkedListIterator<int> tmp2; // Use for the lowerHalf of the list

int length = list.length();
int i =0;
for ( linkedListIterator<int> itr = list.begin(); itr != list.end(); ++itr)
     if( i <=  length/2) {
                 //the first half contain elements 
          else {

 //now shuffle the list using the temperary nodes
for ( linkedListIterator<int> itr = tmp2.begin(); itr != tmp2.end(); ++itr) {
      list.insertFirst(*itr); //insert the first one last, i.e last one becomes first one
for ( linkedListIterator<int> itr = tmp1.begin(); itr != tmp1.end(); ++itr) {
       list.insertFirst(*itr); //insert the first one last, i.e last one becomes first one

error C2039: 'insertLast' : is not a member of 'linkedListIterator<Type>'
1>          with
1>          [
1>              Type=int
1>          ]

also same error for begin and end

and this error:

1>          see reference to function template instantiation 'void perfectShuffle<int>(linkedListType<Type> &)' being compiled
1>          with
1>          [
1>              Type=int
1>          ]

in line 15 and 18, replace the variable tmp2 with list.

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