i am a student working on my project on C# coding in which i need to display the datas of the solar inverter readings which i already uploaded to mysql database and from that i need to show the datas through C# coding. i did the coding for displaying the datas but i got struct in viewing the data from two date ie from 1st date to the 2nd date. so please help me to complete the code.if anyone need to see the coding i did plz send me a reply i will upload that also because its very urgent plz help guys

i did the coding for displaying the datas but i got struct in viewing the data from two date ie from 1st date to the 2nd date.

If you mean you need to adjust your query, then have a look at BETWEEN.

that also i tried the datas sommetimes shows and then sometimes it doesnot

Do you execute a stored procedure to filter and return your data, or do you return all the data and use C# to filter it?

If you use a stored procedure, protaeas is correct. You can use where RecordDate between startDate and endDate

If you do it in C# you can do it almost the same way. Do you have access to LINQ? (.net 3.5 and above)

yes i have a link is there any possibility i will upload my completed codes and if i made any errors u can easily tell me where i made wrong

We only need excerpts from the problem area. If you feel we need more information, there's always pastebin. We don't communicate by email as, if someone else has a similar problem to you, how can they search the forum for a solution if it's all done over email? :)

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