im junir for vb 2010, im tring to make small program, which when select picture in opendialog,( give path of image into text box(txtGrupAddNewArtWrokUploadImage.Text) ) copy to folder(ArtWork) which in application installed folder. i try to filecopy command using give target path like"c:\temp\image.jpg" command is working but when i chenge command like;
FileCopy(txtGrupAddNewArtWrokUploadImage.Text, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace("ReNewArtWorkProgect.exe", "ArtWork\") +OpenFileDialogPicture.SafeFileName)
give error,
DirectoryNotFoundExeption Was Unhandled ,( Could not find a part of the path "c:\Program file\ArtWork\Image.jpg")
please can u help me kindly,