I'M wanting to write my own command/script for compiling my c++ files. I use g++ -g -Wall filename.cpp -o filename

I'M trying to figure out how I can trip of the last four characters (.cpp) from a string. Any ideas?

Take a look at the make command, which is made specifically for this kind of thing. Just create a Makefile in the same directory as the source file(s). You can even try this without a Makefile and make MyPrg will compile the file based on the defaults.

        g++ -O3 -Wall MyPrg.cpp -o MyPrg
        strip MyPrg

debug:  MyPrg.cpp
        g++ -g -Wall MyPrg.cpp -o MyPrg
        touch debug

        -rm debug MyPrg

To use this Makefile to generate MyPrg, run the make command.
~/src/cpp/MyPrg> make
This will use the first rule to make MyPrg from the given source file. If MyPrg.cpp changes, then calling make will recompile MyPrg.
~/src/cpp/MyPrg> make debug
This will use the debug: rule to create MyPrg to make that version of the program.
~/src/cpp/MyPrg> make clean
This will remove the files generated using this Makefile.

I was trying to avoid hard coding MyPrg.cpp and MyPrg. I was going to use ${1} for command line arguments. So I would simply type "compile MyPrg.cpp" and my script would run g++ -g -Wall ${1} -o ${1 - last 4 characters}


((${#v}>4)) && echo "${v:: -4}"


echo "${v%.cpp}"
commented: I like the second version better. This is a good solution for this question. +3

Also, check out the basename command

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