Why the condition if ((a[0] == 'y') | (a[0] = 'Y')) is ALWAYS TRUE in the following code?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Enter 10 integers seperated by spaces: ";
    int array[10];
    for (int i = 0; i<1; i++)
    cout << "Do you like to search an element in the array? ";
    char a[4];

    if ((a[0] == 'y') | (a[0] = 'Y'))
        cout << "TRUE";
        cout << "FALSE";
    cout << endl;

Because the second halv of that statement is the assignment operator = instead of boolean operator ==.

commented: Thanks a lot, I was almost gone mad for my mistake. +0

Most common error made in if statements: using "=" instead of "==", lots of fun to figure out the logic error tho isn't it?

The logical OR (||) and bitwise OR (|) are also subtly different. Sometimes you'll get the same result and sometimes you'll be surprised, so I'd recommend not using the bitwise OR in situations where you clearly want a logical OR. This is one of those situations, so your test should be:

if ((a[0] == 'y') || (a[0] == 'Y'))

Thanks to every one.

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