I wonder if somthing wrong with this script?
I get this resuly in my linux
: No such file or directory
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from re import split
from sys import stdout
class Proc(object):
''' Data structure for a processes . The class properties are
process attributes '''
def __init__(self, proc_info):
self.user = proc_info[0]
self.pid = proc_info[1]
self.cpu = proc_info[2]
self.mem = proc_info[3]
self.vsz = proc_info[4]
self.rss = proc_info[5]
self.tty = proc_info[6]
self.stat = proc_info[7]
self.start = proc_info[8]
self.time = proc_info[9]
self.cmd = proc_info[10]
def to_str(self):
''' Returns a string containing minimalistic info
about the process : user, pid, and command '''
return '%s %s %s' % (self.user, self.pid, self.cmd)
def get_proc_list():
''' Retrieves a list [] of Proc objects representing the active
process list list '''
proc_list = []
sub_proc = Popen(['ps', 'aux'], shell=False, stdout=PIPE)
#Discard the first line (ps aux header)
for line in sub_proc.stdout:
#The separator for splitting is 'variable number of spaces'
proc_info = split(" *", line.strip())
return proc_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
proc_list = get_proc_list()
#Show the minimal proc list (user, pid, cmd)
stdout.write('Process list:n')
for proc in proc_list:
stdout.write('t' + proc.to_str() + 'n')
#Build & print a list of processes that are owned by root
#(proc.user == 'root')
root_proc_list = [ x for x in proc_list if x.user == 'root' ]
stdout.write('Owned by root:n')
for proc in root_proc_list:
stdout.write('t' + proc.to_str() + 'n')