This code wont doest display the answer why???/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()


      int opcode;

      int num[2];

      int result;


      printf("Program for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division\n");

      printf("Enter First Number:");

      scanf("%d", &num[1]);

      printf("Enter Your Choice: 1 - Add, 2 - Sub, 3 - Mul, 4 - Div: ");

      scanf("%d", &opcode);

      printf("Enter Second Number:");

      scanf("%d", &num[2]);



      case 1:

        result = num[1] + num[2];

        printf("%d + %d = %d", num[1], num[2], result);


      case 2:

        result = num[1] - num[2];

        printf("%d - %d = %d", num[1], num[2], result);


      case 3:

        result = num[1] * num[2];

        printf("%d * %d = %d", num[1], num[2], result);


      case 4:

        result = num[1] / num[2];

        printf("%d / %d = %d\n%d %% %d = %d", num[1], num[2], result, num[1], num[2], num[1] % num[2]);





You're accessing your arrays incorrectly. When you have an array declared as int num[2], num[0] is your first element and num[1] is your second element. You're passing values of &num[1] and &num[2] to the scanf() function.

As a result, when you think you're entering your first number, you're actually entering the second number. When you think you're entering your second number, you're writing to something beyond the edges of the array and are probably overwritting opcode as a result. If this gets overwritten to something outside of the range of 1 through 4, no answer will be displayed on your screen.

thank you

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