I would be very interested to read some educated speculation concerning why there is no c++ standard way to handle unbuffered input, e.g. something like getch + kbhit. For literally decades, innumerable c++ console programmers have sought a way to simply implement, "Press any key to continue..." The fact that this is still not available in a standard library seems so unlikely and perverse that I am inclined to wonder if it is conspiratorial.
This doesn't seem necessarily any more platform-dependent than the other aspects of I/O that the standard does address. It is not like graphics, in which assumptions must be made about hardware capabilities. Its functional domain is more akin to that of standard iostream, in that it is expletive deleted exactly the same thing, but without waiting for the enter key. I presume that it would be relatively trivial to add this to the existing I/O standard.
Likewise, it doesn't seem to be any less essential than other modes of I/O. I think that almost every console programmer has investigated a way to do it, most consider adopting a non-standard method because it is the only option, and a significant fraction of us have extensively used non-standard methods. How does this not qualify for inclusion in the standard while something like expletive deleted "get_money" does? Though I'm sure it is not, it nonetheless superficially seems quite arbitrary.
Is this simply a huge oversight? If not, what are the technical reasons for why this cannot be standardized? And if it could be standardized, and if it has been considered by those who influence the standard, then who is responsible for all these years of suffering without it? And I mean who exactly, as in names and contact info, preferably recent photographs, home addresses, and daily schedules.
P.S.: Please forgive my improprieties, but I am feeling particularly disinclined to disguise my wroth demeanor concerning this matter.