this is the below code in which when user press enter then the details of textbox go into gridview then again when user press enter then if that record is already available then not allow to insert in gridview.i a unable to do this please help any one...
If Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Then
If txt_itemno.Text = "" And txt_qty.Text = "" And txt_disc.Text = "" Then
ElseIf txt_qty.Text > qty Then
MsgBox("Insufficient qty.")
Dim intcount As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In dgv_sale.Rows
If dgv_sale.Rows(intcount).Cells(0).Value = Val(txt_itemno.Text) Then
res = MsgBox("Item Already Exist.Do You Want To Replace It", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
If res = 6 Then
i = intcount
chk = 1
ElseIf res = 7 Then
End If
intcount += 1
chk = 0
End If
Next Row
If chk = 1 Then
dgv_sale.Rows.Insert(i, dgv_sale.Rows.Add(txt_itemno.Text, txt_prodname.Text, txt_qty.Text, txt_price.Text, txt_disc.Text, txt_netamt.Text))
dis = dis + Val(txt_disc.Text)
amt = amt + Val(txt_netamt.Text)
txt_dis.Text = dis
txt_amt.Text = amt
txt_prodname.Text = ""
txt_qty.Text = ""
txt_price.Text = ""
txt_disc.Text = ""
txt_netamt.Text = ""
ElseIf chk = 0 Then
dgv_sale.Rows.Add(txt_itemno.Text, txt_prodname.Text, txt_qty.Text, txt_price.Text, txt_disc.Text, txt_netamt.Text)
txt_itemno.Text = ""
txt_prodname.Text = ""
txt_qty.Text = ""
txt_price.Text = ""
txt_disc.Text = ""
txt_netamt.Text = ""
End If
End If
End If