The problem I am having is that it will not allow me to define a class without building a default constructor outside of the class. For instance if you comment out line 19 on the header file you will recieve an external linker error. The same will happen if you comment out the external constructor of any of the classes. It took me 4 days to figure out that I had to do that to even get rid of that linker error. The second problem is that I cannot get the addressBookType to inherit arrayListType. But it is because of the first problem. I cannot write a constructor outside of the class after I inherit because I get the error that I arrayListType has multiple default constructors. And I cannot comment out line 512 because I get the external linker error.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
class personType
void print();
string firstname;
string lastname;
class addressType
void printaddress ();
string street;
string city;
string state;
string zip;
string getaddress(){
string address = street.append(" ").append(city).append(" ").append(state).append(" ").append(zip);
return address;}
class dateType
int month;
int day;
int year;
class extPersonType:public personType, public addressType,public dateType
string getrelationship(){ return relationship;};
void setrelationship(string val) {relationship=val;};
string getphone(){return phone;};
void setphone(string val){phone=val;};
void printperson(){
cout<<firstname<<" "<<lastname<<" "<<street<<" "<<city<<" "<<state<<" "<<zip<<" "<<relationship<<" "<<phone<<" "<<day<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<year<<"\n";
string relationship;
string phone;
template <class elemType>
class arrayListType
const arrayListType<elemType>& operator= (const arrayListType<elemType>&);
//Overloads the assignment operator
bool isEmpty() const;
//Function to determine whether the list is empty
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
// otherwise, returns false.
bool isFull() const;
//Function to determine whether the list is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full;
// otherwise, returns false.
int listSize() const;
//Function to determine the number of elements in the list
//Postcondition: Returns the value of length.
int maxListSize() const;
//Function to determine the size of the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the value of maxSize.
void print() const;
//Function to output the elements of the list
//Postcondition: Elements of the list are output on the
// standard output device.
bool isItemAtEqual(int location, const elemType& item) const;
//Function to determine whether the item is the same
//as the item in the list at the position specified by
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list[location]
// is the same as the item; otherwise,
// returns false.
void insertAt(int location, const elemType& insertItem);
//Function to insert an item in the list at the
//position specified by location. The item to be inserted
//is passed as a parameter to the function.
//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of the
// list are shifted down, list[location] = insertItem;,
// and length++;. If the list is full or location is
// out of range, an appropriate message is displayed.
void insertEnd(const elemType& insertItem);
//Function to insert an item at the end of the list.
//The parameter insertItem specifies the item to be inserted.
//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem; and length++;
// If the list is full, an appropriate message is
// displayed.
void removeAt(int location);
//Function to remove the item from the list at the
//position specified by location
//Postcondition: The list element at list[location] is removed
// and length is decremented by 1. If location is out of
// range,an appropriate message is displayed.
void retrieveAt(int location, elemType& retItem) const;
//Function to retrieve the element from the list at the
//position specified by location.
//Postcondition: retItem = list[location]
// If location is out of range, an appropriate message is
// displayed.
void replaceAt(int location, const elemType& repItem);
//Function to replace the elements in the list at the
//position specified by location. The item to be replaced
//is specified by the parameter repItem.
//Postcondition: list[location] = repItem
// If location is out of range, an appropriate message is
// displayed.
void clearList();
//Function to remove all the elements from the list.
//After this operation, the size of the list is zero.
//Postcondition: length = 0;
int seqSearch(const elemType& item) const;
//Function to search the list for a given item.
//Postcondition: If the item is found, returns the location
// in the array where the item is found; otherwise,
// returns -1.
void insert(const elemType& insertItem);
//Function to insert the item specified by the parameter
//insertItem at the end of the list. However, first the
//list is searched to see whether the item to be inserted
//is already in the list.
//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem and length++
// If the item is already in the list or the list
// is full, an appropriate message is displayed.
void remove(const elemType& removeItem);
//Function to remove an item from the list. The parameter
//removeItem specifies the item to be removed.
//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list,
// it is removed from the list and length is
// decremented by one.
arrayListType(int size = 500);
//Creates an array of the size specified by the
//parameter size. The default array size is 100.
//Postcondition: The list points to the array, length = 0,
// and maxSize = size
arrayListType(const arrayListType<elemType>& otherList);
//copy constructor
//Deallocates the memory occupied by the array.
elemType *list; //array to hold the list elements
int length; //to store the length of the list
int maxSize; //to store the maximum size of the list
template <class elemType>
bool arrayListType<elemType>::isEmpty() const
return (length == 0);
template <class elemType>
bool arrayListType<elemType>::isFull() const
return (length == maxSize);
template <class elemType>
int arrayListType<elemType>::listSize() const
return length;
template <class elemType>
int arrayListType<elemType>::maxListSize() const
return maxSize;
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::print() const
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
cout << list[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
template <class elemType>
bool arrayListType<elemType>::isItemAtEqual
(int location, const elemType& item) const
return (list[location] == item);
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::insertAt
(int location, const elemType& insertItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= maxSize)
cerr << "The position of the item to be inserted "
<< "is out of range" << endl;
if (length >= maxSize) //list is full
cerr << "Cannot insert in a full list" << endl;
for (int i = length; i > location; i--)
list[i] = list[i - 1]; //move the elements down
list[location] = insertItem; //insert the item at the
//specified position
length++; //increment the length
} //end insertAt
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::insertEnd(const elemType& insertItem)
if (length >= maxSize) //the list is full
cerr << "Cannot insert in a full list" << endl;
list[length] = insertItem; //insert the item at the end
length++; //increment the length
} //end insertEnd
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::removeAt(int location)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cerr << "The location of the item to be removed "
<< "is out of range" << endl;
for (int i = location; i < length - 1; i++)
list[i] = list[i+1];
} //end removeAt
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::retrieveAt
(int location, elemType& retItem) const
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cerr << "The location of the item to be retrieved is "
<< "out of range." << endl;
retItem = list[location];
} //end retrieveAt
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::replaceAt
(int location, const elemType& repItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
cerr << "The location of the item to be replaced is "
<< "out of range." << endl;
list[location] = repItem;
} //end replaceAt
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::clearList()
length = 0;
} //end clearList
template <class elemType>
int arrayListType<elemType>::seqSearch(const elemType& item) const
int loc;
bool found = false;
for (loc = 0; loc < length; loc++)
if (list[loc] == item)
found = true;
if (found)
return loc;
return -1;
} //end seqSearch
template <class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::insert(const elemType& insertItem)
int loc;
if (length == 0) //list is empty
list[length++] = insertItem; //insert the item and
//increment the length
else if (length == maxSize)
cerr << "Cannot insert in a full list." << endl;
loc = seqSearch(insertItem);
if (loc == -1) //the item to be inserted
//does not exist in the list
list[length++] = insertItem;
cerr << "the item to be inserted is already in "
<< "the list. No duplicates are allowed." << endl;
} //end insert
template<class elemType>
void arrayListType<elemType>::remove(const elemType& removeItem)
int loc;
if (length == 0)
cerr << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl;
loc = seqSearch(removeItem);
if (loc != -1)
cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the list."
<< endl;
} //end remove
template <class elemType>
arrayListType<elemType>::arrayListType(int size)
if (size < 0)
cerr << "The array size must be positive. Creating "
<< "an array of size 100. " << endl;
maxSize = 500;
maxSize = size;
length = 0;
list = new elemType[maxSize];
assert(list != NULL);
template <class elemType>
delete [] list;
template <class elemType>
(const arrayListType<elemType>& otherList)
maxSize = otherList.maxSize;
length = otherList.length;
list = new elemType[maxSize]; //create the array
assert(list != NULL); //terminate if unable to allocate
//memory space
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) //copy otherList
list [j] = otherList.list[j];
} //end copy constructor
template <class elemType>
const arrayListType<elemType>& arrayListType<elemType>::operator=
(const arrayListType<elemType>& otherList)
if (this != &otherList) //avoid self-assignment
delete [] list;
maxSize = otherList.maxSize;
length = otherList.length;
list = new elemType[maxSize]; //create the array
assert(list != NULL); //if unable to allocate memory
//space, terminate the program
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
list[i] = otherList.list[i];
return *this;
class addressBookType//:public arrayListType<extPersnType>
extPersonType list[500];
int length;
void findlastname(string input){
cout<<"Records matching the input last name are:\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
if (list[i].lastname==input){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<"\n";
if (count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}
void findperson(string first, string last){
cout<<"Records matching the input name are:\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
if (list[i].lastname==last && list[i].firstname==first){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].getaddress()<<" "<<list[i].getphone()<<" "<<list[i].day<<"-"<<list[i].month<<"-"<<list[i].year<<"\n";
if (count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}
void findnames(char first[], char second[]){
cout<<"Records between the input last names are:\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
int tempfn=list[i].firstname.size();
int templn=list[i].lastname.size();
char *ln=(char*)list[i].lastname.c_str();
char *fn=(char*)list[i].firstname.c_str();
if (strcmp(fn,first)>=0 && strcmp(ln,second)<=0){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<"\n";
if (count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}
void findstatus(string status){
cout<<"Records matching the input status are:\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].firstname<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<" "<<list[i].getrelationship()<<"\n";
if(count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}
void findbirthmonth(int m){
cout<<"Records with birthdays in the month "<<m<<":\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].firstname<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<" "<<list[i].day<<"-"<<list[i].month<<"-"<<list[i].year<<"\n";
if(count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}
void findbirth(int d1, int m1, int y1, int d2, int m2, int y2){
cout<<"Records with dates between the 2 input dates.\n";
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
if((list[i].year>=y1) &&
if((list[i].year==y1)||(list[i].year==y2) && (list[i].month>=m1)&&(list[i].month<=m2)){
if((list[i].month==m1)&&(list[i].month==m2) && (list[i].day>=d1)||(list[i].day<=d2)){
cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].firstname<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<" "<<list[i].day<<"-"<<list[i].month<<"-"<<list[i].year<<"\n";
else if((list[i].month>m1)&&(list[i].month<m2)){cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].firstname<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<" "<<list[i].day<<"-"<<list[i].month<<"-"<<list[i].year<<"\n";
else if((list[i].year>y1)||(list[i].year<y2)){cout<<i<<" "<<list[i].firstname<<" "<<list[i].lastname<<" "<<list[i].day<<"-"<<list[i].month<<"-"<<list[i].year<<"\n";
if(count==0){cout<<"No records found.\n";}