I'm using VB.NET 2010 to create a system. I have here a databound datagridview. I want to add/delete/edit/update the row in my datagridview and also the database which is MS Access at the same time. How can I do it?

Here is my code for Deleting

 Private Sub btnDelRow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelRow.Click
            ans = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Delete?", vbYesNoCancel + vbInformation, "Delete")
            If ans = vbYes Then
                For Each objRow As DataGridViewRow In TblAcctg0912DataGridView.SelectedRows
                    If (TblAcctg0912DataGridView.Rows.Count > 1) Then

                        Dim Ole As New OleDbCommandBuilder(da)

                        da.DeleteCommand = New OleDbCommand()

                        da.DeleteCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [tblAcctg0912] WHERE (ID = @ID)"
                        da.DeleteCommand.Connection = conn
                        da.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@ID", OleDbType.VarWChar, 50, "ID").Value = objRow

                        Me.BindingContext(ds, "tblAcctg0912").EndCurrentEdit()
                        ' Me.BindingContext(ds, "Accounting").RemoveAt(Me.BindingContext(ds, "Accounting").Position)

                        da.Update(ds, "tblAcctg0912")

                    End If

            End If
        End Sub

And also I want to print my datagridview but I want to remove the horizontal line of the table.
Here is my code for Printing

Module DataGridViewPrinter

        Public DataGridViewToPrint As New DataGridView

        Public DefaultPageSettings As PageSettings = New PageSettings()

        Public WithEvents DocToPrint As New PrintDocument

        Private lPageNo As String = ""
        Private sPageNo As String = ""
        Private oStringFormat As StringFormat
        Private oStringFormatComboBox As StringFormat
        Private oButton As Button
        Private oCheckbox As CheckBox
        Private oComboBox As ComboBox
        Private nTotalWidth As Int16
        Private nRowPos As Int16
        Private NewPage As Boolean
        Private nPageNo As Int16
        Private Header As String
        Private FooterComment As String = ""

        Public Sub StartPrint(ByVal GridToPrint As DataGridView, ByVal PrintAsLandscape As Boolean, ByVal ShowPrintPreview As Boolean, ByVal HeaderToPrint As String, ByVal CommentToPrint As String)

            DataGridViewToPrint = GridToPrint
            Header = HeaderToPrint
            FooterComment = CommentToPrint

            'DataGridViewToPrint.Columns(2).Visible = False ' Use to hide a col. (index no.)

            ' Set up Default Page Settings
            DocToPrint.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = PrintAsLandscape

            DocToPrint.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 25
            DocToPrint.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 75
            DocToPrint.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 25
            DocToPrint.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 75

            DocToPrint.OriginAtMargins = True ' takes margins into account 

            If ShowPrintPreview = True Then

                Dim dlgPrintPreview As New EnhancedPrintPreviewDialog

                dlgPrintPreview.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(600, 600)
                dlgPrintPreview.Document = DocToPrint ' Previews print


                '  Allow the user to choose a printer and specify other settings.
                Dim dlgPrint As New PrintDialog

                With dlgPrint
                    .AllowSelection = False
                    .ShowNetwork = False
                    .AllowCurrentPage = True
                    .AllowSomePages = True
                    .Document = DocToPrint
                End With

                '  If the user clicked OK, print the document.
                If dlgPrint.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
                End If

            End If

        End Sub

        Public Sub DocToPrint_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles DocToPrint.BeginPrint

            oStringFormat = New StringFormat
            oStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
            oStringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
            oStringFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

            oStringFormatComboBox = New StringFormat
            oStringFormatComboBox.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
            oStringFormatComboBox.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
            oStringFormatComboBox.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

            oButton = New Button
            oCheckbox = New CheckBox
            oComboBox = New ComboBox

            nTotalWidth = 0

            For Each oColumn As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridViewToPrint.Columns
                If oColumn.Visible = True Then ' Prints only Visible columns
                    nTotalWidth += oColumn.Width
                End If

            nPageNo = 1
            NewPage = True
            nRowPos = 0

        End Sub

        Public Sub DocToPrint_EndPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles DocToPrint.EndPrint
            'Not currently used
        End Sub

        Public Sub DocToPrint_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles DocToPrint.PrintPage

            Static oColumnLefts As New ArrayList
            Static oColumnWidths As New ArrayList
            Static oColumnTypes As New ArrayList
            Static nHeight As Int16

            Dim nWidth, i, nRowsPerPage As Int16
            Dim nTop As Int16 = e.MarginBounds.Top
            Dim nLeft As Int16 = e.MarginBounds.Left

            If nPageNo = 1 Then


                For Each oColumn As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridViewToPrint.Columns
                    If oColumn.Visible = True Then
                        nWidth = CType(Math.Floor(oColumn.Width / nTotalWidth * nTotalWidth * (e.MarginBounds.Width / nTotalWidth)), Int16)

                        nHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(oColumn.HeaderText, oColumn.InheritedStyle.Font, nWidth).Height + 11

                        nLeft += nWidth
                    End If

            End If

            Do While nRowPos < DataGridViewToPrint.Rows.Count - 1

                Dim oRow As DataGridViewRow = DataGridViewToPrint.Rows(nRowPos)

                If nTop + nHeight >= e.MarginBounds.Height + e.MarginBounds.Top Then

                    DrawFooter(e, nRowsPerPage)

                    NewPage = True
                    nPageNo += 1
                    e.HasMorePages = True
                    Exit Sub


                    If NewPage Then

                        ' Draw Header
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(Header, New Font(DataGridViewToPrint.Font, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left, e.MarginBounds.Top - e.Graphics.MeasureString(Header, New Font(DataGridViewToPrint.Font, FontStyle.Bold), e.MarginBounds.Width).Height - 13)

                        ' Draw Columns
                        nTop = e.MarginBounds.Top
                        i = 0
                        For Each oColumn As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridViewToPrint.Columns
                            If oColumn.Visible = True Then
                                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.LightGray), New Rectangle(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight))
                                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight))
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(oColumn.HeaderText, oColumn.InheritedStyle.Font, New SolidBrush(oColumn.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), New RectangleF(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight), oStringFormat)
                                i += 1
                            End If

                        NewPage = False

                    End If

                    nTop += nHeight
                    i = 0
                    For Each oCell As DataGridViewCell In oRow.Cells
                        If oCell.Visible = True Then
                            If oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewTextBoxColumn) OrElse oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewLinkColumn) Then

                                e.Graphics.DrawString(oCell.Value.ToString, oCell.InheritedStyle.Font, New SolidBrush(oCell.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), New RectangleF(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight), oStringFormat)

                            ElseIf oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewButtonColumn) Then

                                oButton.Text = oCell.Value.ToString
                                oButton.Size = New Size(oColumnWidths(i), nHeight)
                                Dim oBitmap As New Bitmap(oButton.Width, oButton.Height)
                                oButton.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(0, 0, oBitmap.Width, oBitmap.Height))
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(oBitmap, New Point(oColumnLefts(i), nTop))

                            ElseIf oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn) Then

                                oCheckbox.Size = New Size(14, 14)
                                oCheckbox.Checked = CType(oCell.Value, Boolean)
                                Dim oBitmap As New Bitmap(oColumnWidths(i), nHeight)
                                Dim oTempGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(oBitmap)
                                oTempGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, New Rectangle(0, 0, oBitmap.Width, oBitmap.Height))
                                oCheckbox.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(CType((oBitmap.Width - oCheckbox.Width) / 2, Int32), CType((oBitmap.Height - oCheckbox.Height) / 2, Int32), oCheckbox.Width, oCheckbox.Height))
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(oBitmap, New Point(oColumnLefts(i), nTop))

                            ElseIf oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewComboBoxColumn) Then

                                oComboBox.Size = New Size(oColumnWidths(i), nHeight)
                                Dim oBitmap As New Bitmap(oComboBox.Width, oComboBox.Height)
                                oComboBox.DrawToBitmap(oBitmap, New Rectangle(0, 0, oBitmap.Width, oBitmap.Height))
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(oBitmap, New Point(oColumnLefts(i), nTop))
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(oCell.Value.ToString, oCell.InheritedStyle.Font, New SolidBrush(oCell.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), New RectangleF(oColumnLefts(i) + 1, nTop, oColumnWidths(i) - 16, nHeight), oStringFormatComboBox)

                            ElseIf oColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewImageColumn) Then

                                Dim oCellSize As Rectangle = New Rectangle(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight)
                                Dim oImageSize As Size = CType(oCell.Value, Image).Size
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(oCell.Value, New Rectangle(oColumnLefts(i) + CType(((oCellSize.Width - oImageSize.Width) / 2), Int32), nTop + CType(((oCellSize.Height - oImageSize.Height) / 2), Int32), CType(oCell.Value, Image).Width, CType(oCell.Value, Image).Height))

                            End If

                            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(oColumnLefts(i), nTop, oColumnWidths(i), nHeight))

                            i += 1
                        End If

                End If

                nRowPos += 1
                nRowsPerPage += 1


            DrawFooter(e, nRowsPerPage)

            e.HasMorePages = False

        End Sub

        Public Sub DrawFooter(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal RowsPerPage As Int32)

            Dim sPageNo As String = nPageNo.ToString + " of "

            If nPageNo = "1" Then

                lPageNo = Math.Ceiling((DataGridViewToPrint.Rows.Count - 1) / RowsPerPage).ToString()
                sPageNo = nPageNo.ToString + " of " + lPageNo


                sPageNo = nPageNo.ToString + " of " + lPageNo

            End If

            ' Right Align - User Name
            e.Graphics.DrawString(FooterComment, DataGridViewToPrint.Font, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString(FooterComment, DataGridViewToPrint.Font, e.MarginBounds.Width).Width), e.MarginBounds.Top + e.MarginBounds.Height + 7)

            ' Left Align - Date/Time
            e.Graphics.DrawString(Now.ToLongDateString + " " + Now.ToShortTimeString, DataGridViewToPrint.Font, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left, e.MarginBounds.Top + e.MarginBounds.Height + 7)

            ' Center - Page No. Info
            e.Graphics.DrawString(sPageNo, DataGridViewToPrint.Font, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString(sPageNo, DataGridViewToPrint.Font, e.MarginBounds.Width).Width) / 2, e.MarginBounds.Top + e.MarginBounds.Height + 7)

        End Sub

    End Module

Any help?

You can make use of the the datagridview's rows added and removed handlers:

Private Sub Rows_Added(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowsAdded
        'Update your dataset here.
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

Private Sub Rows_Removed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowsRemoved
        'Update your dataset here.
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub
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