I am using checkboxes for the users to choose one of the options given. My problem is, the checkbox does not uncheck after the data has been inserted into the intended spreadsheet. Means, I have to use command button with clearform instruction to clear the checkbox.
How do I uncheck the checkbox after the data has been inserted without having to use the clearform control?
These are the codes I am using for one of the checkbox option in my coding.
If Me.FourPPMCheckBox1.Value = True Then
emptyRow = ws3.Cells(ws3.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
With ws3
.Cells(emptyRow, 1).Value = Me.PlannedDateTextBox.Value
.Cells(emptyRow, 2).Value = Me.PlannedMonthComboBox.Value
End With
For x = 2 To 9
If Me.PlannedYearComboBox.Value = "200" & x Then ws3.Cells(emptyRow, x + 1).Value = Me.PlannedDurationTextBox.Value
Next x
For x = 10 To 20
If Me.PlannedYearComboBox.Value = "20" & x Then ws3.Cells(emptyRow, x + 1).Value = Me.PlannedDurationTextBox.Value
Next x
ws3.Cells(emptyRow, 22).Value = Me.PlannedRemarksTextBox.Value
Me.PlannedDateTextBox.Text = ""
Me.PlannedMonthComboBox.Text = ""
Me.PlannedYearComboBox.Text = ""
Me.PlannedDurationTextBox = ""
Me.PlannedRemarksTextBox = ""
End If
Thank you in advance.