Hi, I need help , the assignment I have to do is for a healthprofile class but I am having issues . It doesn ' t show the month , day , or year in mm / dd / yyyy format it only shows 0 / 0 / 0 . It doesn ' t calculate age it still says 2013 and it doesn ' t show the maximum heart rate or targeted heart rate . Can someone please help ?

Here is the code :

mport java . util .*;
public class HealthProfile {
String firstName ;
String lastName ;
char gender ;
int BirthMonth ;
int BirthDay ;
int BirthYear ;
int height ;
int weight ;
public HealthProfile ( String fName , String lName , char Genderr , int birthMonth , int birthDay , int birthYear , int heightt , int weightt ){
firstName = fName ;
lastName = lName ;
gender = Genderr ;
BirthMonth = birthMonth ;
BirthDay = birthDay ;
BirthYear = birthYear ;
height = heightt ;
weight = weightt ;
HealthProfile () {
public void setFirstName ( String firstName ) {
this . firstName = firstName ;
public String getFirstName () {
return firstName ;
public void setLastName ( String lastName ) {
this . lastName = lastName ;
public String getLastName () {
return lastName ;
public void setGender ( char gender ) {
this . gender = gender ;
public char getGender () {
return gender ;
public void setBirthMonth ( int BirthMonth ) {
this . BirthMonth = BirthMonth ;
public int getBirthMonth () {
return BirthMonth ;
public void setBirthDay ( int BirthDay ) {
this . BirthDay = BirthDay ;
public int getBirthDay () {
return BirthDay ;
public void setBirthYear ( int BirthYear ) {
this . BirthYear = BirthYear ;
public int getBirthYear () {
return BirthYear ;
public void setHeight ( int height ) {
this . height = height ;
public double getHeight () {
return height ;
public void setWeight ( int weight ) {
this . weight = weight ;
public double getWeight () {
return weight ;
public int Age (){
Calendar now = Calendar . getInstance ();
int nowYear = now . get ( Calendar . YEAR );
int nowMonth = now . get ( Calendar . MONTH );
int nowDay = now . get ( Calendar . DATE );
int day = now . get ( Calendar . DATE );
int month = now . get ( Calendar . MONTH );
int year = now . get ( Calendar . YEAR );
if ( nowMonth > BirthMonth );
return ( nowYear - BirthYear );
public double getBMI (){
return ( weight * 703 )/( height * height );
public int MaxHeartRate (){
return 220 - Age ();
public double TargetHeartRate (){
return MaxHeartRate () * 0 . 85 + MaxHeartRate () * 0 . 5 ;

 Here is the test class :

import java . util . Scanner ;
public class HealthProfileTest {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
Scanner input = new Scanner ( System . in );
String firstName ;
String lastName ;
String DoB ;
String theMonth ;
String theDay ;
String theYear ;
char gender ;
int Month ;
int Day ;
int Year ;
double height = 0 . 0 ;
double weight ;
HealthProfile personalInfo = new HealthProfile ();
System . out . println (" Enter your first name : ");
personalInfo . setFirstName ( input . nextLine ());
System . out . println (" Enter your last name : ");
personalInfo . setLastName ( input . nextLine ());
System . out . println (" Male or female : ");
personalInfo . setGender ( input . nextLine (). charAt ( 0 ));
System . out . println (" Enter your date of birth in mm / dd / yyyy format : ");
DoB = input . nextLine ();
theMonth = DoB . substring ( 0 , 2 );
theDay = DoB . substring ( 3 , 5 );
theYear = DoB . substring ( 6 , 10 );
Month = Integer . parseInt ( theMonth );
Day = Integer . parseInt ( theDay );
Year = Integer . parseInt ( theYear );
System . out . println (" Enter your height in inches : ");
height = input . nextInt ();
personalInfo . setHeight (( int ) height );
System . out . println (" Enter your weight in pounds : ");
weight = input . nextInt ();
personalInfo . setWeight (( int ) weight );
System . out . println (" Name : " + personalInfo . getFirstName () +" "+ personalInfo . getLastName ());
System . out . println (" Gender : " + personalInfo . getGender ());
System . out . println (" DoB : " + personalInfo . getBirthMonth () + "/" + personalInfo . getBirthDay () + "/" + personalInfo . getBirthYear ());
System . out . println (" Height : " + personalInfo . getHeight ());
System . out . println (" Weight : " + personalInfo . getWeight ());
System . out . println (" Age : " + personalInfo . Age ());
System . out . println (" BMI : " + personalInfo . getBMI ());
System . out . printf (" Max heart rate : ", personalInfo . MaxHeartRate ());
System . out . printf (" Target heart rate : ", personalInfo . TargetHeartRate ());
System . out . println (" ");
System . out . println ( " BMI VALUES " );
System . out . println (" Underweight : Under 18 . 5 ");
System . out . println (" Normal : 18 . 5 - 24 . 9 ");
System . out . println (" Overweight : 25 - 29 . 9 ");
System . out . println (" Obese : 30 or over ");

So can someone please help ?

Lines 118-125 you get the date info, but you don't call your set method to save those values. Without date of birth the age/target heart rate etc won't give correct values.

I added this but still no luck:


"still no luck" may be the least helpful problem desription ever posted on DaniWeb! And where exactly did you add that code?
How about an exact description of how the actual output differs from the expected output?

are you sure that the code you posted is exactly the one your working with ? If thats the case , then i see a lot of spelling mistakes in your code , Starting from the 1st line. Maybe taking care of them will bring you better luck.

Your code is painful to read. Why not break things up in your class in segments like

fetchDOB(/* arguments */);
fetchName(/* arguments */);

each will have their own code inside them , and makes things easy to follow. It will also be easier for you to debug aswell. It would help out both you and us if you do that first.

try again your substring routine looks like you caught a slash in the process.

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