hi everybody , i need to solve this case as soon as possible :

i have the master table that include the following data :
(SerialNo - integer (P.K), civil-bit, mechanical-bit, etc)

and form that include the serial no text field that automatic increase by one each time the user click the new button what i need is when the user check the Civil check box the serial start from 1, when the user check on mechanical the serial should reset to 1 and continue, how i can do this witout change the structure of table , help me please ???

Can we see the code that is executed when the user checks mechanical...

when the user check the Civil check box the serial start from 1, when the user check on mechanical the serial should reset to 1 and continue,

actually i can't differentiate both line separated by ,

please make your statement more clear so we can identify the exact problem.

this is the code when the user click on the new to insert the serial number for civil :

  If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
    rs.Open "select max(SerialNo) from [Master_ShopDrawing] where  Projectno = '" & ProjectNo1 & "'", db, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly
    If rs(0) <> 0 Then SerialNo.Text = rs(0) + 1 Else SerialNo.Text = 1
    Set rs = Nothing
    newflag = 1
SerialNo.Enabled = False
rs.Open "select Consultants,ConsEng,Copy,Att from [Main data for the project] where projectno = '" & ProjectNo1 & "'", db, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rs.EOF Then
ToCons.Text = rs(0)
Att1.Text = ""
Copy.Text = rs(2)
att2.Text = ""
End If
End If

i need the same code to valid when chick to mechanical to start from 1 
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