Hey Guys! So i've been thinking about how to make this program which involves a person Logging on and gettings certain information and statistics throught the website. A good example and also something i've been wanting to do is use this page: http://puu.sh/4IEkQ.jpg to get the information below. How can I do this?

  1. Needs a login so that it has access to this page because without one these wont appear
  2. display the information once the user has logged in on a windows form.

Please, how can this be done, I would appreciate some detailed explanation on how i can execute this one :D

Is the above image from a website or an existing application?

Is the above image from a website or an existing application?

It's from a website. It's Rockstar Socialclub website for GTA. I want to make an application which once you login gets the stats shown in the image.

Anyone ???

I doubt rockstar will allow some one to query their database. That being said, you can do a hidden browser control and pull those tags off.

You will have to look into the html to see what tags/controls you may be after.

I doubt rockstar will allow some one to query their database. That being said, you can do a hidden browser control and pull those tags off.

You will have to look into the html to see what tags/controls you may be after.

Would you mind giving me a simple example on how i can do this? remember that this requires a login inorder to pull of these html tags/controls since they only appear once logged on. I hope this is not too much to ask..

ps. yea i dont want to query their database that much anyway... i just want to get the right tags and controls etc so that once the person is logged on they can see them..

I might suggest the HTML Agility Pack.

As for the website, how does it prompt for a login? with a popup window or standard textboxes and okay button?

standard textboxes and buttons

You will need to locate the ID of these controls and pass a value to them using javascript then fire the button click.

function setText(username,password){
var tbUserName = document.getElementById("UserNameTextBox");
var tbPassword = document.getElementById("PasswordTextBox");
tbUserName.value = username;
tbPassword.value = password;

Then call the javascript function from vb.net.

A full sample project can be found here.

is there a way to call it through vb.net? I tried to convert the code but it said An error occured converting your code, probably due to a syntax error:
-- line 1 col 1: EOF expected

Begginnerdev Thanks for the help soo far! but I'll put this to hold for a while.. I'm actually starting a database project just testing things out soo till then thanks.

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