hey i need helpin in pipping a file and using those values in the file to work with the program. ive done the program but it doesnt read the file. can someone help me here.
using namespace std;
//the cost of the toll gates
const double A_GATE = 2.2;
const double B_GATE = 2.8;
const double C_GATE = 2.3;
const double D_GATE = 3.8;
const string CUSTOMER_TOK = "@";
//Returns the cost of the toll gate
double getTollAmount(string tollGate)
if (tollGate == "A")
return A_GATE;
if (tollGate == "B")
return B_GATE;
if (tollGate == "C")
return C_GATE;
if (tollGate == "D")
return D_GATE;
//if it reaches here then its an invalid gate
cerr << "Invalid Gate: Corrupted tolldata.txt file" << endl;
return -1;
int main() {
string line; //line from stdin
string token1; //id
string token2; //toll gate or '@'
string token3; //timestamp or name/address
string token4; //date
string token5; //time
double amount;
double totalAmount = 0;
int startPos, endPos;
//read each line from the piped in file
while(true) {
//read a whole line
cin >> ws;
getline(cin, line);
if(cin.fail()) break; // abort program upon any input failure
startPos = 0;
endPos = 0;
//get first token
endPos = line.find("\t");
token1 = line.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos);
//get next token
startPos = endPos+1;
endPos = line.find("\t", startPos);
token2 = line.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos);
//get next token
startPos = endPos+1;
endPos = line.find("\t", startPos);
token3 = line.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos);
//start of a new customer
if (token2 == CUSTOMER_TOK) {
//we just finished processing the previous customer
if (totalAmount != 0)
cout << "TOTAL: $" << totalAmount << endl;
totalAmount = 0;
//prints out the header with the customer details
cout << "\n--INVOICE FOR TOLL EXPENSES--" << endl;
cout << "-ID-\t\t-Name, Address-" << endl;
cout << token1 << "\t\t" << token3 << "\n" << endl;
cout << "-Date-\t\t-Time-\t\t-Station-\t-Amount-" << endl;
//print the record charged to the customer
else {
//parse for the date
startPos = endPos+1;
endPos = token3.find(":", startPos);
token4 = token3.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos);
//parse for the date
startPos = endPos+1;
endPos = token3.length();
token5 = token3.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos);
//get the cost of the toll gate
amount = getTollAmount(token2);
totalAmount += amount;
//prints out the record charged details
cout << token4 << "\t" << token5 << "\t\t" << token2 << "\t\t" << amount << endl;
}//end else
}//end while
//print the total amount for the last customer
cout << "TOTAL: $" << totalAmount << endl;
return 0;
}//end main