Dear programmer, A pharmacy needs to automate drug inventory management system. Every drug has chemical Name, Chemical Composition, date of manufacturing, expiry date, and country of origin, quantity, category and others. The pharmacy has a policy to dispose expired drug before use. However, it is not an easy task to identify such drugs using the current manual system. the current system caused the following problems: - lose of capital because of expired drugs. -the life of patients is endangering because of the medicine about to expire. In order to minimize lose caused due to the random selling of items, the pharmacy enforces every pharmacist to sell first/early purchased drug and/or the one to be expired soon before the later once. The system should deliver the following functionality: 1. registration of new drug 2. sell the drug based on their entry and/or their expiry date(the latest the expiry date of the drug the first to be sold) 3. search for drug based on chemical name. 4. search for drug based on country of origin(you may have found more drugs that has the same country of origin, so the function should list all drug with stated origin) 5. Remove sold drug and adjust the total quantity in the store. 6. Display list of drug based on increasing order of expiry date. 7. Display total quantity of each drug in the stock. Can u help me do this before 14th of july on thurday, please can u do it with linked list and/or Queue in C++. thank u for your help.
tesfaye.mulu.71 0 Newbie Poster
Schol-R-LEA 1,446 Commie Mutant Traitor Featured Poster
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