Hello Daniwebbers,
Recently I have begun a new project that will go out to the internet and fetch information off IMDb about a source of media. Now currently when I do this I use an XML file to store what I have downloaded and parsed. For each piece of media a new XML is created. Each file is stored under the ID code used for the media on IMDb. There is also a master index file that contains the ID number and Title for the media.
Now XML is working great and everything, but I have started to wonder if it's the best choice. As time goes on more and more of these files will be created, to the point where I could have 100s, and while they are only say around 6 KBs, the number of them will be huge. Also, I want to allow for easy editing. The main files themselves might not require a lot of editing all the time but there may be times they do (plus the master index file will).
So my question is, should I stick to using XML or move over to SQLite? The SQLite would allow me one file for everything, and not to mention would be a lot easier for me to edit (I still can't find really clear guides on how to edit an XML file). However, I wonder what hte performance toll will be for using a SQLite file. As the file grows will it become slower?
What do you guys think? Which would you use and why? Is there positives and negatives I left out for both? I want to be able to access the data stored in these files rather quickly.