I have this database in stored inside my Visual Studio Express 2013 for web.
How can I use XSLT to turn into:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<graph caption='Cashflow' subcaption='(Drag to zoom out)' hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00' formatNumberScale='0'
decimalPrecision='0' showvalues='0' numdivlines='15' numVdivlines='15'
yaxisminvalue='1000' yaxismaxvalue='1800' showVLineLabelBorder='1'
numVisibleLabels='500' legendPosition='RIGHT' SCROLLBAR='Glow' btnSwitchToPinModeTitle='Compare Graphs'>
<category name='1/1/2014' />
<category name='1/2/2014' />
<category name='1/3/2014' />
<dataset seriesName='Actual Amount'>
<set value='1800' />
<set value='1900' />
<set value='300' />
<dataset seriesName='Threshold'>
<set value='500' />
<set value='500' />
<set value='500' />
<dataset seriesName='Forecast Amount'>
<set value='2800' />
<set value='2900' />
<set value='1300' />
Please help me as it is very difficult for me >.<