Well, this is one project away from my AP Exam.
Unfortunately I am taking this course idependently. (Independent School of Nebraska, I live in Africa :eek: ) I just need someone to put me on the right track for the following. Anything will be cosidered. My e-mail is .
Well thanks for at least taking a look at it....
Program will need to be able to:
1. Accept an integer input from the console and determine how many numbers are created and stored. Create the list of numbers using the Math.random() function.
2. Display a text menu in the console containing the following options:
- Display the numbers (in their current stored order).
- Sum the numbers.
- Modify a number: enter the index of the element you wish to change and the number you wish to change it to.
- Sort the list of numbers (may choose from all of the following: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Merge Sort) and display the number of swaps when completed.
- Search for a number in the list, (sequential required, binary if possible) and display the number of comparisons that were needed when the search is completed.
- Exit the program.
Your code for performing the tasks should be located in a Java class NumberHelp.