I am making a quiz for my computer science class and the basic concept is that you have 15 keywords and 15 definitions. All need to be randomly displayed and the correct answer has to appear. The user has to match the correct definition to the keyword twice and then that keyword and definition are not displayed again. When all have been answered twice the quiz is over.
I have stored both my keywords and my definitions in the same file so they don't get out of sync. The text file looks like so:
Thanks to the help from others on StackOverflow I have managed to get the randomising completed. For reference that looks like this:
Answer Class:
Public Class Answer
Public Answer As String
Public Answered As Boolean
End Class
Main form:
Public Class Form1
Private kv As Dictionary(Of String, Answer) 'Define kv as a dictionary
Private keyword As String
Private correctDefinition As String
Const NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS As Integer = 3 'Define the constant NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS
Private Sub RandomiseAnswers()
Dim r As New Random
Dim kvRandom As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Answer)) =
kv.OrderBy(Function() r.Next).ToList
'questions will appear in random order
For Each line As KeyValuePair(Of String, Answer) In kvRandom
Dim keyword As String = line.Key
Dim correctDefinition As String = line.Value.Answer
Dim keywords As New List(Of String)
OrderBy(Function() r.Next).Take(NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS - 1))
Dim definitionsRandom As List(Of String) =
keywords.Select(Function(x) kv(x).Answer).OrderBy(Function() r.Next).ToList
LabelKeyword.Text = keyword
RadioButtonDef1.Text = definitionsRandom(0)
RadioButtonDef2.Text = definitionsRandom(1)
RadioButtonDef3.Text = definitionsRandom(2)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'The text file is structured like so:
'This makes sure that the keywords and the definitions do not get out of sync when randomising, as a dictionary is a key-value data structure. Call the key, get the right value etc.
kv = New Dictionary(Of String, Answer) 'kv = a new dictionary
For Each line As String In IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\Matt\Documents\keywords.txt") 'Foreach loop populating the dictionary from the text file
Dim parts() As String = line.Split(",") 'Split the Keywords from the definitions where the , is
kv.Add(parts(0), New Answer With {.Answer = parts(1), .Answered = False}) 'Add the two parts (Keyword and Definition) to the Parts with the Answer class
Dim r As New Random 'Define r as new random
Dim kvRandom As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String)) =
kv.OrderBy(Function() r.Next) _
.Select(Function(x) New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)(x.Key, x.Value.Answer)) _
.ToList() 'A Select method to convert the items in the list properly
'questions will appear in random order
For Each line As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In kvRandom
Dim keyword As String = line.Key
Dim correctDefinition As String = line.Value 'Checks that the correct definition will be displayed when its keyword is randomly displayed.
'Define keywords as a new list
Dim keywords As New List(Of String)
keywords.Add(keyword) 'Adds the keyword to the list as the Part(0) from the text file in the first loop
OrderBy(Function() r.Next).Take(NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS - 1))
Dim definitionsRandom As List(Of String) =
keywords.Select(Function(x) kv(x).Answer).OrderBy(Function() r.Next).ToList 'Define definitionsRandom as a list. Checks against correctDefinition to know to always display the correct answer as one of the
'random definitions
LabelKeyword.Text = keyword 'Randomly display a keyword
RadioButtonDef1.Text = definitionsRandom(0) 'Randomly display a definition. Checks against correctDefinition to see make sure one definition is always the right answer.
RadioButtonDef2.Text = definitionsRandom(1) 'Randomly display a definition. Checks against correctDefinition to see make sure one definition is always the right answer.
RadioButtonDef3.Text = definitionsRandom(2) 'Randomly display a definition. Checks against correctDefinition to see make sure one definition is always the right answer.
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonNext.Click
'If (RadioButtonDef1.Checked And RadioButtonDef1.Text = correctDefinition) Or (RadioButtonDef2.Checked And RadioButtonDef2.Text = correctDefinition) Or (RadioButtonDef3.Checked And RadioButtonDef3.Text = correctDefinition) Then
' If kv(keyword).Answered Then
' kv.Remove(keyword)
' Else
' kv(keyword).Answered = True
' End If
' MsgBox("Incorrect Answer!")
'End If
If (RadioButtonDef1.Checked And RadioButtonDef1.Text = correctDefinition) Or (RadioButtonDef2.Checked And RadioButtonDef2.Text = correctDefinition) Or (RadioButtonDef3.Checked And RadioButtonDef3.Text = correctDefinition) Then
MsgBox("Correct Answer")
MsgBox("Incorrect Answer. The correct answer is: " & correctDefinition)
End If
End Sub
End Class
I use a subroutine in my buttonNext_click to prevent duplicate code, as you can see above Private Sub RandomiseAnswers().
my issue however is when I come down to the If/else statement where I determine whether the user has selected the correct answer. As you can see I have commented out the original line as I found that it didn't work, and therefore I created one which would display a message box. By using that If/Else statement I have found that it always displays the Incorrect Answer message box and it doesn't display the correct definition.
What is puzzling me the most is that I know that correctDefinition works as it will always display the correct definition to the current keyword however I cannot seem to fathom out how to make it work in the conditional/s.
Does anyone have a possible solution as to why it doesn't seem to like being used in the If/Else statement/s but does work when randomising.
Sorry if it is hard to understand what I am asking.
I have not found any way around this, so help will be greatly appreciated.