If cboSearchType.Text = "Accredited Month" Then
    If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close
    SQL = "SELECT * FROM BusinessInfo WHERE " & " AccreditationDate " & " like '" & cboMonths.Text & "%'"
    rs.Open SQL, con
        While rs.EOF = False
                With grdSearchResults
                    .Redraw = False
                        .Rows = .Rows +1
                        .Row = .Rows - 1
                        .Col = 1: .Text = grdSearchResults.Rows - 1
                        .Col = 2: .Text = rs!BusinessName
                        .Col = 3: .Text = rs!ApplicantType
                        .Col = 4: .Text = rs!ApplicantName
                        .Col = 5: .Text = rs!BusinessAddress
                        .Col = 6: .Text = rs!AccreditationDate
                    .Redraw = True
                 End With
        MsgBox "Accredited Business Entry Does not Exist!", vbCritical, "No Records Found!"
        txtSEARCH.Text = ""
    End If

im having a problem with the rows..can anyone help me? :) everytime i click my search button it still adds the same records shown in the first search click how can i do this..

add grid row before.

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