scan through this API there should be a option for scan with OCR, means all content will save in database as a txt‏
Once scanning done that become a image‏

What API? OCR is to scan an image to render it into plain text. What library are you using? Is the image being actively scanned by a scanning device? Or is it from an image on the system?

1.What API?
When we click on scan button through API there should be a option for scan with OCR.
2.What library are you using?
Currently i am not using any library.
3.Is the image being actively scanned by a scanning device? Or is it from an image on the system?
Ans:image from the system.

all content will save in database as a txt‏ Once scanning done that become a image‏

let me know in case of any question.


Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments

I suggest you read forum rules, here. We are not here to do your job or homework. You did not provide proper problem description just few random words that hardly make any sense. BTW OCR is is not simple task, I believe you have no idea what you are actually asking. Till you provide proper problem description and show some effort there is no point to have any discussion

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