So I wrote this program this was working just fine and when I started trying to tweak the display I started getting syntax errors on my global elif's. Here's my code, somebody please tell me what is going on.

# Rock Paper Scissors, Project 2, Tadd O'Bannion

import random

def main():
    print(" Welcome to the wonderful world of Paper Rock Scissors! ")
    print(" 1) One Player Game ( One human playing against the computer.) \n")
    print(" 2) Two Player Game ( Two humans playing against each other.) \n")
    print("    Choose game type or press ENTER to quit game. \n")

    menuChoice = input(" Please enter a choice from the above menu: \n--------------------------------------------\n")

    if(menuChoice == "1"):
        print(" You have decided to play a one player game against the computer. \n")
        print(" 1) Paper \n")
        print(" 2) Rock \n")
        print(" 3) Scissors \n")
        print(" 4) Quit \n")

    while(menuChoice != 4):
        subMenuChoice = eval(input( "Please choose from the above weapons menu: \n\n"))

        if( subMenuChoice == 1):
            print(" You have chosen Paper.\n ")
        elif(subMenuChoice == 2):
            print(" You have chosen Rock.\n ")
        elif(subMenuChoice == 3):
            print(" You have chosen Scissors.\n ")
        elif(subMenuChoice == 4):
            print(" You have chosen to quit.\n ")
            return 0
            print(" Invalid menu choice...seriously...the menu says 1,2,3 or attention! \n ")

        computerChoice = random.choice([1, 2, 3])

        if( computerChoice == 1):
            print(" The computer has chosen Paper.\n ")
        elif( computerChoice == 2):
            print(" The computer has chosen Rock.\n ")
        elif( computerChoice == 3):
            print(" The computer has chosen Scissors.\n ")

        if subMenuChoice == computerChoice:
            print(" Tie! ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 1) and (computerChoice == 2):
            print(" Paper covers Rock!! Human player wins!!\n ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 2) and (computerChoice == 3):
            print(" Rock smashes Scissors!! Human player wins!!\n ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 3) and (computerChoice == 1):
            print(" Scissors cuts Paper!! Human player wins!!\n ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 2) and (computerChoice == 1):
            print(" Paper covers Rock!! Computer wins!!\n ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 3) and (computerChoice == 2):
            print(" Rock smashes Scissors!! Computer wins!!\n ")
        elif (subMenuChoice == 1) and (computerChoice == 3):
            print(" Scissors cuts Paper!! Computer wins!!\n ")

    elif(menuChoice == "2"):
        print (" You have decided to play a two player game against another human.\n ")
        print(" 1) Paper \n")
        print(" 2) Rock \n")
        print(" 3) Scissors \n")
        print(" 4) Quit \n")

        while (menuChoice != 4):
            player1 = eval(input(" Player 1, please choose from the above weapons menu: \n\n"))
            if( player1 == 1):
                print(" You have chosen Paper.\n ")
            elif(player1 == 2):
                print(" You have chosen Rock.\n ")
            elif(player1 == 3):
                print(" You have chosen Scissors.\n ")
            elif(player1 == 4):
                print(" You have chosen to quit.\n ")
                return 0
                print(" Invalid menu choice...seriously...the menu says 1,2,3 or attention! ")

            player2 = eval(input(" Player 2, please choose from the above weapons menu: \n\n"))
            if( player2 == 1):
                print(" You have chosen Paper.\n ")
            elif(player2 == 2):
                print(" You have chosen Rock.\n ")
            elif(player2 == 3):
                print(" You have chosen Scissors.\n ")
            elif(player2 == 4):
                print(" You have chosen to quit.\n ")
                return 0
                print(" Invalid menu choice...seriously...the menu says 1,2,3 or attention!\n ")

            if player1 == player2:
                print(" Tie! ")
            elif (player1 == 1) and (player2 == 2):
                print(" Paper covers Rock!! Player 1 wins!!!\n ")
            elif (player1 == 2) and (player2 == 3):
                print(" Rock smashes Scissors!! Player 1 wins!!\n ")
            elif (player1 == 3) and (player2 == 1):
                print(" Scissors cuts Paper!! Player 1 wins!!\n ")
            elif (player1 == 2) and (player2 == 1):
                print(" Paper covers Rock!! Player 2 wins!!\n ")
            elif (player1 == 3) and (player2 == 2):
                print(" Rock smashes Scissors!! Player 2 wins!!\n ")
            elif (player1 == 1) and (player2 == 3):
                print(" Scissors cuts Paper!! Player 2 wins!!\n ")
    elif(menuChoice == ""):
        print (" Quitting game. Thank you for playing, please play again soon.\n ")
        return 0
        print(" Invalid menu choice...seriously...the menu says 1,2 or attention! \n ")


Please don't tell me how to shorten it, I want this to be a very understandable (from a very new beginner perspective) program so I want to keep it simple.
Thanks in advance.

The problem is quite simple: your indentation is off. Lines 25-65 need to be one level of indent to the right.

Please don't tell me how to shorten it, I want this to be a very understandable (from a very new beginner perspective) program so I want to keep it simple.

Actually, shortening it in certain places would actually make it easier to understand, beginner or no, just by reducing repetition. For example, just this one function would make the program easier to read while removing several repeated sections of code:

def print_menu():
    print(" 1) Paper")
    print(" 2) Rock")
    print(" 3) Scissors")
    print(" 4) Quit")

A slightly more elaborate, but even more useful, example would be:

def print_match_results(player1_name, player1_hand, player2_name, player2_hand):
    ROCK = 1
    PAPER = 2
    SCISSORS = 3

    outcomes = ['Tie',
                'Paper covers Rock',
                'Rock smashes Scissors',
                'Scissors cuts Paper']

    if player1_hand == ROCK:
        if player2_hand == ROCK:
        elif SCISSORS:
            print("{0}. {1} wins!".format(outcome[3], player1_name))
            print("{0}. {1} wins!".format(outcome[1], player2_name))

    if player1_hand == PAPER:
        if player2_hand == PAPER:
        elif ROCK:
            print("{0}, {1} wins!".format(outcome[1], player1_name))
            print("{0}, {1} wins!".format(outcome[3], player2_name))

    if player1_hand == SCISSORS:
        if player2_hand == SCISSORS:
        elif PAPER:
            print("{0}, {1} wins!".format(outcome[3], player1_name))
            print("{0}, {1} wins!".format(outcome[2], player2_name))            

At this point, though, we might be pushing things a bit for you, so if you don't quite get it feel free to ignore this.

Oops, I just noticed that I dropped the player2_hand == part of the each of the inner elifs in that second function. My bad.

def print_match_results(player1_name, player1_hand, player2_name, player2_hand):
    ROCK = 1
    PAPER = 2
    SCISSORS = 3

    outcomes = ['Tie',
                'Paper covers Rock',
                'Rock smashes Scissors',
                'Scissors cuts Paper']

    outcome_str = '{0}, {1} wins!'

    if player1_hand == ROCK:
        if player2_hand == ROCK:
        elif player2_hand == SCISSORS:
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[3], player1_name))
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[1], player2_name))

    elif player1_hand == PAPER:
        if player2_hand == PAPER:
        elif player2_hand == ROCK:
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[1], player1_name))
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[3], player2_name))

    elif player1_hand == SCISSORS:
        if player2_hand == SCISSORS:
        elif player2_hand == PAPER:
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[3], player1_name))
            print(outcome_str.format(outcome[2], player2_name))            

For what it is worth, here is my full solution, which may or may not make enough sense to you to give you a leg up:

# Rock Paper Scissors, Project 2, Tadd O'Bannion

import sys
import random

ROCK = 0

choices = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']

def main():
    print("-" * 50)
    print("Welcome to the wonderful world of Paper Rock Scissors! ")
    print("-" * 50)
    print(" 1) One Player Game ( One human playing against the computer.) \n")
    print(" 2) Two Player Game ( Two humans playing against each other.) \n")
    print("    Choose game type or press ENTER to quit game. \n")
    print("-" * 50)

    menuChoice = input("Please enter a choice from the above menu: ")

    print("*" * 40)
    print('You have decided to ', end='')

    if menuChoice == '':
        print('exit the game. Goodbye.')

    elif menuChoice == "1":
        print("play a one player game against the computer.")
        print("*" * 50)

        player1_name = 'Human Player'
        player2_name =  'Computer'
        player2_choice = random.choice([0, 1, 2])

        player1_choice = read_menu_choice(0, 2)

        print ("play a two player game against another human.")
        print("*" * 50)
        player1_name = 'Player 1'
        player2_name = 'Player 2'

        player1_choice = read_menu_choice(0, 2)
        player2_choice = read_menu_choice(0, 2)

    print_player_choice(player1_name, player1_choice)
    print_player_choice(player2_name, player2_choice)
    winner = print_match_results(player1_name, player1_choice, player2_name, player2_choice)

def print_menu():
    for n in range(3):
        print(" {0}) {1}".format(n, choices[n]))

def print_match_results(player1_name, player1_hand, player2_name, player2_hand):
    outcome = ['Tie',
               'Paper covers Rock',
               'Rock smashes Scissors',
               'Scissors cuts Paper']

    combinations = {ROCK:     {ROCK: [0, 0], PAPER: [1, 2], SCISSORS: [2, 1]},
                    PAPER:    {ROCK: [1, 1], PAPER: [0, 0], SCISSORS: [3, 2]},
                    SCISSORS: {ROCK: [2, 2], PAPER: [3, 1], SCISSORS: [0, 0]}}

    print('{0}, '.format(outcome[combinations[player1_hand][player2_hand][0]]), end='')
    if combinations[player1_hand][player2_hand][1] == 0:
        print('no one wins.')
    elif combinations[player1_hand][player2_hand][1] == 1:
        print('{0} wins!'.format(player1_name))
        print('{0} wins!'.format(player2_name))

def read_menu_choice(lower_choice_range, upper_choice_range):
    choice = 0
    while True:
            choice = int(input("Please choose from the above menu: "))
            if lower_choice_range <= choice <= upper_choice_range: 
                return choice
                print("Please choose a valid menu option.")
        except ValueError:
            print("Please choose a valid menu option.")

def print_player_choice(player_name, choice):  
    print('{0} has chosen {1}'.format(player_name, choices[choice]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Thank you a ton! I went out of town today and I apologize for taking so long to respond. I knew it was in the indentation I just couldn't remember where I messed it up. I decided to fix my code, but I will definitely eye-parse through yours to get a feel for some more advanced stuff. I thought Python would be easy since I'm in an intermediate C++ class, but I'm finding out it's like comparing apples to oranges.

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