Hello folks,
I am having difficulties in an exercise about parallel programming using mpi and socket in C language.Below is the exercise.I would appreciate any help or suggestions
Exercise 5.3:
In one of the local network nodes there is a file named FILE = "..."
Develop a program using MPI and Sockets such that:
-user executes the program in the root node X giving the file name FILE
-the programm is splitted with MPI in parallel processes that are distributed throughout in all active nodes of the network
-root process distributes with MPI the name of the file to all parallel processes
-Every process in the respective node requires the existence of a file on disk named FILE (our file) and if it finds it
communicates with the root process throughout socket by sending the contents of the file.
-program should be constructed without the use of procedures.
-distributed of the processes in the network is performed by middleware
- execution of processes can also be experimented on a single PC, in this case in the disk should be created some directories and every parallel process can search only in his directory.