I have a 2D arraylist, named as adjLists, which contains arraylists, containing values like these. Each two values are a "pair" and each third is a "flag" for the pair.
[278, 106, 0, 397, 36, 0, 59, 208, 0, 366, 221, 0]
[366, 221, 0, 397, 36, 0, 132, 390, 0, 278, 106, 0, 295, 0, 0]
I use code above to search for specified value pairs in these lists. vertexnum is the number of "sub arraylists" in adjLists.
for (int l = 0; l < vertexnum; l++) {
if (adjLists.get(l).get(0) == p.x && adjLists.get(l).get(1) == p.y) {
for (int h = 0; h < adjLists.get(l).size(); h += 3) {
for (int g = 0; g < vertexnum; g++) {
if ((vertexSprite[g].getX() + vertexSprite[g].getWidth() / 2) == adjLists.get(l).get(h)
&& (vertexSprite[g].getY() + vertexSprite[g].getHeight() / 2) == adjLists.get(l).get(h + 1)) {
ArrayList sublist = new ArrayList();
sublist.add(0, adjLists.get(l).get(h));
sublist.add(1, adjLists.get(l).get(h + 1));
for (int lj = 0; lj < vertexnum; lj++) {
if (Collections.indexOfSubList(adjLists.get(lj), sublist) != -1) {
int found = Collections.indexOfSubList(adjLists.get(lj), sublist);
adjLists.get(lj).set(found + 2, 1);
This code is to search exact values and replace their flag in every occurences. It can not find all the occurences of the values/pair in the lists, it replaces flag value only a few time. Value of score should be incremented with plus 1 after each found occurence, but this code increments it more than the number of matches. For example one array is like this [pair1, pair1, flag1, pair2, pair2, flag2] and want to change flag1 to 1 if pair1 is equal to the searched.