I am getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -131072 exception. when i am running the code from my local machine (eclipse) it works fine, when i copied my code to unix server, the same code is giving error.
Exception trace:
=============== In generate Report Method =================
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -131072
at xlrd.biff.CompoundFile.<init>(CompoundFile.java:282)
at xlrd.biff.File.<init>(File.java:86)
at xlrd.Workbook.getWorkbook(Workbook.java:106)
at com.sample.Report.generateReport(Report.java:116)
at jsp_servlet.__testing._jspService(__testing.java:82)[Click Here](null)
Here is my code :
String file_path = "/scratch/ofsaaapp/ftpshare/RRR/INPUT/Summary_form.xls";
xlrd.Workbook excelWorkbook1 = null;
xlrd.Sheet sheetObj1 = null;
excelWorkbook1 = xlrd.Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(file_path)); // Line number 116-- which is giving error.
System.out.println("Number of sheets :: "+ noofSheets);