can anyone explain me why the values are not swapped in the below code ??

int *i,*j;
printf(" %d %d",*i,*j); //output =4000 9000

void f( int *a, int *b)
int *temp;

Because you're just swapping addresses, not values. You want to dereference the pointers:

void f( int *a, int *b)
  int temp;

i got your answer to how swap pointers ...
But can u tell me what's happening in the code i have written ???
is the address which is passed by i & j is copied in pointers a & b and only adress among a & b is swapped ... so no effect on i & j this what happening ???
can u explain me details what actually happening in my code ...

> can anyone explain me why the values are not swapped in the below code ??
Another problem is that your pointers are uninitialised - who knows, maybe they both point at the same memory location.

> can anyone explain me why the values are not swapped in the below code ??
Another problem is that your pointers are uninitialised - who knows, maybe they both point at the same memory location.

i have work with the same code after initializing it ..but there is no change in output ...

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