'Declare the global variables to be used throughout the form
Dim mfirst As Single
Dim msecond As Single
Dim manswer As Single
' Declare the global variables for the operators: Add,Sub,Mul and DIV
Dim mbutton As Integer
'Change the sign of the number from + or - or vice versa
' Depending on its state now they show in txtNUMBER text box
Dim Signstate As Boolean

Private Sub cmd0_Click()
    'Put the value 0 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd1_Click()
    'Put the value 1 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "1"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd2_Click()
    'Put the value 2 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "2"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd3_Click()
    'Put the value 3 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "3"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd4_Click()
    'Put the value 4 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "4"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd5_Click()
    'Put the value 5 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "5"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd6_Click()
    'Put the value 6 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "6"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd7_Click()
    'Put the value 7 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "7"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd8_Click()
    'Put the value 8 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "8"
End Sub

Private Sub cmd9_Click()
    'Put the value 9 into the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "9"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdADD_Click()
    'User slected the add button
    mbutton = 1
    'Convert into a number and transfer the value from
    'The text box on the form into the first number
    mfirst = Val(txtNUMBER)

    txtNUMBER = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCANCEL_Click()
    'Remove the values in the txtNUMBER text box
    txtNUMBER = " "
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDIVIDE_Click()
    'User slected the Divide button
    mbutton = 4
    'Convert into a number and transfer the value from
    'The text box on the form into the first number
    mfirst = Val(txtNUMBER)

    txtNUMBER = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDOT_Click()
    txtNUMBER = txtNUMBER + "."
End Sub

Private Sub cmdEQUALS_Click()
    msecond = Val(txtNUMBER)

    Select Case mbutton
        Case Is = 1
            manswer = mfirst + msecond
        Case Is = 2
            manswer = mfirst - msecond
        Case Is = 3
            manswer = mfirst * msecond
        Case Is = 4
            manswer = mfirst / msecond
    End Select
    txtNUMBER = manswer
End Sub

Private Sub cmdEXIT_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdMULTIPLY_Click()
    'User slected the multiply button
    mbutton = 3
    'Convert into a number and transfer the value from
    'The text box on the form into the first number
    mfirst = Val(txtNUMBER)

    txtNUMBER = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSIGN_Click()
    'Sign state = false on load of form
    If txtNUMBER = "-" + txtNUMBER Then
        MsgBox("error start again")
    End If
    If Signstate = False Then
        txtNUMBER = "-" + txtNUMBER
        Signstate = True
        'SignState = True

        minusvalue = Val(txtNUMBER)
        'Value now positive
        minusvalue = Val("-1" * minusvalue)
        txtNUMBER = minusvalue
        Signstate = False

    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSUBTRACT_Click()
    'User slected the minus button
    mbutton = 2
    'Convert into a number and transfer the value from
    'The text box on the form into the first number
    mfirst = Val(txtNUMBER)

    txtNUMBER = ""
End Sub

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