i want to change my IP-Adress (IP + Subnet + Gateway/DNS) in a Virtual-Box (VBox - System = Windows 10 and 7) to a static-IP.
Til today I use "netsh", but sometimes it doesn´t work and I don´t know why. Thats why I am looking for an other method to change the IP.
In VBox are 3 different LAN-Adapters (LAN-HOST + LAN-NAT + LAN-BRIDGED). I only want to change the IP at "LAN-BRIDGED"!
I'm quite green and not sure if this is even possible. Someone told me it works with wmi maybe, but I don´t know how to do it in vb.net!
This was my old code :
Shell("netsh interface ip set address LAN-BRIDGED static", AppWinStyle.Hide, True)
Can you help me please, to do it without netsh?