I am having trouble getting this program to work. This is my first applet and I can’t seem to get my mind around how to get the commands in correct format. I have completed this program in application and gui with no problems, but applet format is not working in my favor. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
/* Java applet that helps students with their multiplication. This program will
ask the student a multiplication problem and then display their resluts(correct/wrong).
The program also needs the have the math.ramdom option to keep different question.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class JMath extends JApplet implements ActionListener
int Number1 = 0;
int Number2 = 0;
int ActualAnswer = 0;
Number1 = (int)( Math.random () * 9 );
Number2 = (int)( Math.random () * 9 );
ActualAnswer = Number1 * Number2;
JLabel Mathout = new JLabel (" MATH FUN ");
Font headlineFont = new Font ("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 38);
JLabel MathAnswer = new JTextField (2);
JButton CheckAnswer = new JButton (" Check Answer ");
JLabel MathQuestion = new JLabel ("What is " + Number1 + " TIMES " + Number2 + " ? ");
ActualAnswer = Number1 * Number2;
JLabel Correct = new JLabel ("Correct");
JLabel Wrong = new JLabel ("Try again ");
container con = getContentPane();
public void init ()
{ // publicopen
Mathout.setFont (headlineFont);
MathQuestion.setFont (headlineFont);
con.add (Mathout);
con.add (MathQuestion);
con.add (MathAnswer);
con.add (CheckAnswer);
} // public end
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
{ // openaction
ActualAnswer = Number1 * Number2;
int UserAnswer = MathAnswer.getText();
if (UserAnswer = ActualAnswer)
con.add (Correct);
con.add (Wrong);
} // end