O.K. Ive compiled my program for debugging. I really don't know where to start looking. My program consists of two blocks of source code (Robotmoves.cpp and Character.cpp) and one header file (Character.h) Once I have compiled and attempted to run the program the error tells me my Robotmoves.EXE had triggered a breakpoint. This brakpoint is found in draw.inl (which I presume is part of the allegro library)
The point is triggered on line 250

AL_INLINE(void, draw_sprite, (BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *sprite, int x, int y),

   if (sprite->vtable->color_depth == 32) {
      bmp->vtable->draw_256_sprite(bmp, sprite, x, y);
   else {
      ASSERT(bmp->vtable->color_depth == sprite->vtable->color_depth);
      bmp->vtable->draw_sprite(bmp, sprite, x, y);
}) //**Breakpoint Line 250 is here**

AL_INLINE(void, draw_sprite_v_flip, (BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *sprite, int x, int y),{
   ASSERT(bmp->vtable->color_depth == sprite->vtable->color_depth);

   bmp->vtable->draw_sprite_v_flip(bmp, sprite, x, y);

I really don't know, unless I posted my entire code, where else I should be looking. I also tried compiling with Dev C++ but got the same thing. Animation frame comes up, arrow key is pressed, 'Allegro had encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry......'
What can I do now?

put a break point at the beginning of the function and step through the program one line at a time to see where it breaks. Also check the validity of all pointers -- If a pointer has a value something like "hchchchchc" that is what the compiler initializes them to when compiled for debug -- and is an uninitialized or bad pointer.

And please stop creating a new thread every time you have a new question about the same program. Just post your question(s) to the existing thread, that will bump it to the top of the list.

put a break point at the beginning of the function and step through the program one line at a time to see where it breaks. Also check the validity of all pointers -- If a pointer has a value something like "hchchchchc" that is what the compiler initializes them to when compiled for debug -- and is an uninitialized or bad pointer.

And please stop creating a new thread every time you have a new question about the same program. Just post your question(s) to the existing thread, that will bump it to the top of the list.

Sorry But I must be really thick in the head today. I'm having trouble understanding by what you mean when you say to create a breakpoint at the start of the function. All my pointers seem to be correct. Forgive my ignorance

He means creating a breakpoint in the debugger - you do have one don't you? They help immensly in tracking down bugs and memory leaks.

If you don't have a debugger, I recommend you liberally sprinkle print statements so you can see the values of not only what the pointers contain, but also the memory addresses of them before the program crashes.

From your other post
> Assert failed at line 250 of c:\code\allegro\include\allegro\inline/draw.inl
Open draw.inl in your editor.
Goto line 250.
Read the line which will be something like say ASSERT(x >= 0);

The code expects that expression to be true.
In your program, that expression was false.

Now ask yourself how the condition comes to be false, and how can I make it be true.
Perhaps by initialising variables, or allocating resourses, or ....

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