how to write a code for struct array

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how to write a code for struct array


Hey Shadowwrider,

ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();
object[] myarray = new object[2];

ArrayList comes from the System.Collection name space. I find it very useful, and will show you how to use the array or arraylist. Above I declare both for your consideration. Notice that for the standard array, you need to declare it as an array of objects.

In this example we have a very simple struct:
public struct MyStruct
public int t1;
public string s1;

Here is a Simple example using some Console writing:
ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();
object[] myarray = new object[2];
// First get an instance of the struct
MyStruct thisjoe;
thisjoe.t1 = 1;
thisjoe.s1 = "Hello";
myarray[0] = thisjoe; // Add to the Array
ar.Add(thisjoe); // OR add to the ArrayList

// Do another one
thisjoe.t1 = 2;
thisjoe.s1 = "World";
myarray[1] = thisjoe;

// How to get a value ? Lets put one into (x)
int x = ((MyStruct)ar[0]).t1;
Console.WriteLine("X={0}", x);

// Lets go through the ArrayList
foreach (MyStruct myjoe in ar)
Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", myjoe.s1, myjoe.t1);

// Lets go through the standard Array
foreach (MyStruct myjoe in myarray)
Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", myjoe.s1, myjoe.t1);

Hope this Helps,

package JavaProject2;
//import java.util.Scanner;
public class Student1
{        static int[][] arr = {
{ 1, 2, 3, },
{ 4, 5, 6, },

public static void main(String args[][])
for(int i=0;i < 3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<2;j++)


String y;
String[][] NR={};
Scanner raw=new Scanner(;
String stu[]={"Abhishek","Ranjeet","Bibhakar","Pradeep","Rahul","Washim","Siraj","Prity","lovely","Suchitra"};
String var,var1;
int i,j,k=0;
public void Name (String var1)
for (i=0;i<stu.length;i++)

public void fees()
for (i=0;i<stu.length;i++)
{    System.out.println(stu);;
if (var.matches("y"))

NR[k]=stu+"   Paid"+"\n";
for (i=0;i<30;i++)
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
for (j=0;j<1;j++)
System.out.println(NR[k]=stu+"   Paid"+"\n");

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