1) I need to create a simple bash shell script that will promt the admin for a user name and then create the user account and change password... thx a lot......

Well, we won't simply hand it to you. What have you tried? What code are you currently working with?

Well, we won't simply hand it to you. What have you tried? What code are you currently working with?

very new here that's why no idea how to start... by the way may i know u know WML?

I wish to write a script that replays every other letter of that word with asterisk and reverse the order of the work. below r my code.
and it not working...

 <card id="card1"title="INPUT">
        <onevent type="onenterforward">
            <go href="reverse.wmls#reverse()"/>
<setvar word="words" value=""/>

    <card id="card2" title="OUTPUT">
        input the word:$result1
        The result are $result2 and $result3

extern function reverse(){ 
    var a;
    var b;
    var word=Dialogs.prompt("Input the word:","");
    var word2="";
    var word3="";
    var word4=String.charAt(word,0);
    for(var i=String.length(word)-1;i>=0;i++){

    for(var i2=1;i2<=String.length(word)-1;i2--){

    WMLBrowser.setVar( "result1",word); 
    WMLBrowser.setVar( "result2",word4+word3); 
    WMLBrowser.setVar( "result3",word2);
    WMLBrowser.go( "#card2" );

I know nothing about WML. Sorry.

This is the Shell Scripting forum..

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