can any one help me to know how to check that my code is corrsct in Textpad ?
there is no output like C++ ;so it make proplem fpr me .
this is the code :
.model small
.stack 100h
F1 sword 12 dup(12,4,7,-8,1,10,8,-4,20,44,3,-9)
F2 sword 12 dup(?)
F3 sword 18 dup(?)
F4 sword 6 dup(?)
main proc
mov si ,0
mov CX ,12
L1: mov ax,F1[si]
mov F2[si],ax
INC si
loop L1
mov di ,0
mov CX ,6
L2: mov ax,F1[di]
mov bx,F1[di+2]
sub ax,bx
mov F4[di],ax
INC di
loop L2
L3: mov ax,F2[di]
mov bx,F2[di+2]
xchg ax,bx
INC di
loop L2
L4: mov ax,F1[di]
mov F3[di+22],ax
sub di,2
loop L4
mov di,26
L5: mov ax,F3[di-4]
mov F3[di],ax
sub di,2
loop L5
main ENDP
END main