hello friends
i have write a code(j2me) for mobile game my code is build but on run i got error message:
Unable to create MIDlet Jeep.java
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jeep/java
at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletState.createMIDlet(+29)
at com.sun.midp.midlet.Selector.run(+22)
Execution completed.
3610981 bytecodes executed
7309 thread switches
1647 classes in the system (including system classes)
18046 dynamic objects allocated (549832 bytes)
2 garbage collections (460488 bytes collected)
Execution completed.
3488769 bytecodes executed
3436 thread switches
1647 classes in the system (including system classes)
17799 dynamic objects allocated (535208 bytes)
2 garbage collections (460692 bytes collected)
so plz help me

Your classpath is not set, thats why it throws ClassNotFoundException. Make sure you set your classpath properly and do read the tutorials on Sun's site.

Here is one of them.

sir as you told me i chack my class path that is set corectly.then also i m gating same error.

Its a pity I haven't as such got any practical experience with J2ME. Maybe skimming through the following pages would help you in getting what you are looking for.

thanks sir for your help.now my problem is sloved.

Its a pity I haven't as such got any practical experience with J2ME. Maybe skimming through the following pages would help you in getting what you are looking for.

It would be a good idea to post the solution you got so that others stumbling on this thread would be benefitted.

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