Hey newer programmer here need a bit of help.
The direction are bascially to read in from a file some words in the form of a paragraph with no punctuations and no commas etc.
The file will look similar to
When promulgating your esoteric cogitations and articulating your
Let your conversational communications possess a clarified
a compact comprehensibleness and a concentrated cogency
Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity pompous prolixity and
psittaceous vacuity Shun double entrendres prurient jocosity and profanity And above all do not use big words
The actual file is larger but this is a sample of it. But this so you can see how it looks.
I need to read in each line and seperate into individual words, then seperate each word into individual letters. After seperateing the letter I need to one by one check to see if they are vowels, or consenants, every time one occurs i need to add one to the counter for that particular type of letter.
As of right now I can read in the lines, and seperate the lines into words and then seperate into letters. the biggest trouble im having is to do this one line at a time. Any help on how to seperate and do these manipulations one line at a time would be a big help.
Also how do I declare vowels for the count.
i know i will compare each letter to vowel and add one to counter but if not add one to consanent.
Any help for now would be great.
Thanks so much.