I have some questions about how to work with urls in java. Any help would much appreciated.
When I execute the following code from my app it executes just fine. But when I move my app to a different directory and change the url accordingly, it fails.
original code:
String url = "jdbc:mckoi:local://./db.conf";
modified code:
String url = "jdbc:mckoi:local://./mckoi1.0.3/db.conf";
Also, when I execute the a jar file from within same directory with the following command, it executes perfectly. But it fails if I try to run the jar from different directory because it fails to find the db.conf file. (the jar file and the db.conf are always in the same directory).
Original command:
java -jar mckoidb.jar -create "admin_user" "aupass00"
Modified command:
java -jar ./mckoi1.0.3/mckoidb.jar -create "admin_user" "aupass00"
What am I doing wrong? Am I supposed to treat relative url differently with Java?