I'm trying to practice writing a program which creates an object and does various tasks.
So far the tasks I want to program to do are to take a hypothetical triangle (it doesn't draw a literal triangle on the screen; it just shows the number of triangles there, the area of a triangle, and the perimeter of a triangle). I think I've almost removed the errors from the program, but there are three errors that I have to deal with. I'm not sure how to fix them, so any help is appreciated.
error 1:
TriangleMaker.java:7: cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor Triangle()
location: class Triangle
sample= new Triangle();
error 2:
symbol : constructor Triangle(float)
location: class Triangle
Triangle sTriangle= new Triangle(0.0F);
error 3:
Triangle.java:50: setLeg(float,float,float) in Triangle cannot be applied to (float)
sTriangle.setLeg(t.leftLeg+ t.rightLeg+t.baseLeg+t.height);
Here is the code I have worked on:
This is the class.
This class demonstrates a class which
creates an object which takes values for the
left, right, and base legs of a triangle along with
the height of a triangle. This class can also
be used to generate the area and perimeter
of a triangle when used in a program. It must be noted that this does not
literally draw a triangle, so any program which
uses this class does not need the AWP, SWT, or
Swing toolkits.
public class Triangle
private float leftLeg=0.0F;
private float rightLeg=0.0F;
private float baseLeg=0.0F;
private float height=0.0F;
// a constructor which creates the triangle object
public Triangle(float aLeg, float bLeg, float cLeg , float hLeg)
//gets values for the triangle and sends them to the Triangle method
public float getLeg()
return leftLeg;
return rightLeg;
return baseLeg;
return height;
// sets values for the left leg, right leg, base leg, and height variables
public void setLeg(float leftLeg, float rightLeg, float baseLeg)
this.leftLeg= leftLeg;
this.height= height;
//calculates the area of a triangle
public float triArea(float baseLeg, float height )
float area;
area= 0.5f* this.baseLeg * this.height;
return area;
//calculates the perimeter of a triangle
public float triPerim(float leftLeg, float rightLeg, float baseLeg)
float perimeter;
perimeter= this.leftLeg + this.rightLeg + this.baseLeg;
return perimeter;
// forms the final triangle
public Triangle formTri(Triangle t)
Triangle sTriangle= new Triangle(0.0F);
sTriangle.setLeg(t.leftLeg+ t.rightLeg+t.baseLeg+t.height);
return sTriangle;
Here's the main program.
// a sample program to test the Triangle class
public class TriangleMaker
public static void main(String[] args)
Triangle sample;// declares a Triangle object
sample= new Triangle();
sample.getLeg();// gets a value for the legs and height of a triangle
System.out.println(sample);//prints out the values of the triangle
//This program is not finished, but I am trying to test the getLeg method
//in the Triangle class.