n. Write a method that will convert a number from binary to decimal. The binary number will
be passed in as an array of Booleans (a true represents a 1 and a false represents a 0.)
This is part of a methods practice assignment I was given. I'm currently taking AP Comp Sci.
I'm not sure what my teacher wants me to do. (I don't think I'll have a problem actually doing it once I know what he wants)
//Extra stuff if you care
Basically the setup of the the assignment is:
MethodPracticeTest -> MethodPractice
Where MethodPracticeTest is a menu and a switch case. There I read in the data, pass it to MethodPractice, and use a return to give back the answer.
Writing a binary to decimal converter would be easy, I'm not sure what he means by the stuff in the second sentence though.
Any ideas?