
I want to know about the use of linked list in C and also about its working and syntax.
Please tell me about this.

This is not a question for a help forum. This is something you should get from a book, instructor, or tutorial. We can help once you understand the concepts.

Try this tutorial. Though I get the sinking feeling that it's not suited for you. :icon_rolleyes:

first u should know something about that so refer it first and share your ideas.

first u should know something about that so refer it first and share your ideas.

Differing a bit over here, you must be very much clear about the basics and you must be specific regarding what doubt/s you have.

List is a collection of short pieces of information, such as names of people usually written
with a single item on each line and often ordered in a way that makes a particular item easy to find.There are two ways of maintaining this list in computer memory.First is to take an array to store the elements and second is the linklist.The second way for implementing a list in a memory is to use a structure which is a self referential structure .One member of this structure is a pointer that points to the structure itself.

struct node  {
int data;
struct node *link;

here member of the structure struct node *link points to the structure itself.This type of structure is called a link list. A linklist is a collection of nodes .Each node has two parts,first part contains information field and second part contains the address of the next field.The address part of the last node of linklist will have a NULL value

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