1 write out “Enter the amount: ”
2 readinAmount
3 WithVat ← Amount * 1.175
4 write out “With VAT added that becomes ”, WithVat

If a design (or program) is purely sequential, with no loops, it might be
thought to be very limited; the above VAT design is not very versatile.
If only console application programs are being used, purely sequential
designs are very limited. However, event-driven Windows programs, typically consist of a large number of small pieces of code, many of which consist of a short sequence of
instructions. The versatility of Windows programs comes from the variety
of ways in which such pieces of code are used, via menus, buttons, etc.
(Loops and other non-sequential code are still involved, but occur in the
operating system rather than the program that you write.)

I can't understand in the redline..

I can understand your confusion.

>>Loops and other non-sequential code are still involved, but occur in the
operating system rather than the program that you write

I think that paragraph is attempting, though somewhat poorly, to describe the difference between procedural and event-driven programs. A procedural program is executed sequentially from top to bottom and may contain loops to repeat instructions -- most console programs are procedural programs. event driven programs execute code when an event occurs, such as when you click a button, select a menu item, enter something into an edit box, or when some data comes across the network card. Most windows programs are event-driven programs.

Thanks alot MR.Ancient Dragon ..

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