I need to do this do while loop but I dont know how to exactly get it to repeat itself I got an error when I tried to compare pointer to integer and thats what i have in the code below, any thoughts as to how this should be done.
cout << "Enter your address starting with your name then street then city then state then zip code, seperate each section with a space and then a # the immediatly following the # enter the next set ...
cin.getline (name, 20, '#');
cin.getline (street, 20, '#');
cin.getline (city, 20, '#');
cin.getline (state, 20, '#');
cin.getline (zip, 7, '.');
cout << "The address that you entered is:\n";
cout << name;
cout << "\n";
cout << street;
cout << "\n";
cout << city;
cout << ",";
cout << state;
cout << zip;
cout <<"Would you like to enter another address y/n?";
cin >> repeat;
}while(repeat != 'n');