Hello there, is there a function in Linux that can handle the reading of an .ini file? Thanks.
jaepi 22 Practically a Master Poster
Duoas 1,025 Postaholic Featured Poster
jaepi commented: Can foretell posibilities. Tsk tsk +2
jaepi 22 Practically a Master Poster
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
jaepi commented: Lean Mean Detailed Info Producing Machine +2
Duoas 1,025 Postaholic Featured Poster
Salem 5,216 Posting Sage
jaepi 22 Practically a Master Poster
ithelp 757 Posting Virtuoso Banned
vijayan121 1,152 Posting Virtuoso
jaepi commented: uh huh! +2
jaepi 22 Practically a Master Poster
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