i am doing something like planner....
based on todays date..i want to display the current week
he must be able to enter only on todays date..the previous days in the week should be readonly

hi there,
i think this needs to be addressed by html.you could use readonly attribute for textbox or text area where you are displaying the content.


i am doing html with php...based on the calender i want to display the current week to the user

Use php's date function to determine what to do.
If you are pulling dates from the calendar, they'll have to be in the same format as the date function. The following variable, $today, will echo or print out January 25, 2008.

$today=date('F d, Y');

Now compare the $today variable and the date from the calendar to determine what is done next.

//do something for present and future dates
//do something else for past dates
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